Help me build a Gaming PC please.

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:57 am

So Skyrim is coming out in November and I think that if I had a PC able to run it decently I would enjoy it a lot more than a console version. But first I have a few questions:

1) All the Skyrim gameplay has been shown from the 360 and I know some people have complained about the graphics but I personally have no problem with them. If I built a computer that could run oblivion well at a similar graphics quality to the 360 would it run Skyrim at the same quality that has been shown from the 360. ( I am assuming that if the 360 could run it that well a rig that played OB at a similar level to the 360 would play Skyrim at a similar level to the 360, correct me if I am wrong)
2) Is it possible to make a PC with the exact same specs as the 360? if so would it run a PC version of a 360 game at similar quality?
3) If it is possible what upgrades would you recommend? these are upgrades to run the game smoother not upgrade the graphics to ultra high quality, I would assume more RAM than the 360 has but what else?
4) How much would this set me back?
5) How diffucult is it to actually build the comp once I have all the parts? I have heard that if you can build with legos you can build a PC but I'm not sure how accurate that statement is.

Thanks in advance for your assistance
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