I'm playing a gunslinger style for my 2nd playthrough as well. Going high luck low int with idiot savant is great for early levels, but I just can't let go of science, gun nut, and armorer to fully upgrade my weapons/armor, so I had to meet those caps in int and str.
The .44 and other pistols are SO much better fully upgraded so I would say have at least 3 int, probably 3 end for survival also. You don't need that much luck and agi right at the start IMO, you can use special + bobbleheads or even put points into them later.
I also really like the inspirational charisma perk so my companions can't hurt me and then I can outfit them with all those heavy weapons and grenades so I need 8 cha later heh.
I think I started s 3, p 4, e 2, c 6, i 6, a 5, l 2 because 6 int was too high to try idiot savant. If you don't care about armor and science upgrades you could go s 2, p 3, e 3, c 6, i 2, a 6, l 6 but I would get int 2 at the least so with the bobblehead you can use gun nut.