Personally I would not go Breton Atronach. Sounds like you want this one character forever to be hi level and play a lot of hours. So you want to build it accordingly. So what you need to develope is what is referred to as an 'Endgame' strategy, meaning what kind of character do you want when 'maxed out'. A Breton has 50 resist magic, so most people, including myself, advocate aiming for 100% resist magic with them as your Endgame strategy, which can be accomplished with as few as one enchanted item. Atronachs endgame strategy is to get 100% absorb magic, which is going to require any race or character the same number of magic items. Therefore, a Breton, would essentially 'waste' their innate 50% magic resistance if you had 100% absorb.
As for increasing attributes you just need 10 skill raises for the corresponding skill each level, regardless of major or minor. I would say Ramara's build is pretty good for what you want to achieve, but contrary to common thought having one skill from each attribute isn't necessary, or IMHO even the best way to do it. However, still Ramra's build is a good one, but I would consider taking out Mysticism and having both Speechcraft and Mercantile as you will not likely care much about Personality, and both of those skills are slow and/or controllable. Also I say this in case you like to use Detect Life a lot, then Mysticism will level you for no good offensive trade off.
Okay, so should I go with the mage birthsign then? And yes, I want this to be my ONE character with many many hours of gameplay. I don't quite understand why I would want speechcraft and mercantile though. I'm sure there is a good explanation for it, but using it would level my personality right? So saying I leveled my minor skills 10 times I would level? Again, I'm sorry for making this complicated, I just don't want to mess up.
So lets look at it like this: Breton with Mage birthsign. Spec is stealth and has Acrobatics (spd), Blunt (str), Block (end), Restoration (Will), Marksman (Agi), Mercantile (per), & Speechcraft (per) So my question is, why would I swap mysticism for speechcraft since speechcraft does nothing for my int?
And thanks for throwing that in, I never thought of it that way.