HELP! Camera glitch! Game breaker.

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:01 pm

I have Fallout 4 for Xbox One. Every time I exit a Vertibird my camera gets locked in third person at a really awkward angle centered on my character. I cannot aim or even look around when this happens. The camera locks on my character making the game unplayable at that point. This first happened with a random Virtibird that I signaled with a smoke grenade, boarded then exited. I had to reload a previous save to bypass the glitch and I have been avoiding boarding Virtibirds since. But, I am on the railroad mission where you have to board and exit a Virtibird and I can't complete the quest now. I am supposed to blow up the ******* and I can't do anything because the camera is locked. This is absolutely game breaking for me. I have tired everything! Please patch this Bethesda. I do not how I will ever beat this quest line.

and when I bring up my Pipboy during this glitch. The camera centers on my characters crotch from that point after. Close up.

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Nienna garcia
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