» Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:25 am
Legendary Skills
LegendarySkills 2ndReset
A skill made Legendary two times.
Legendary skills are a mechanics introduced in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim with patch 1.9. They allow the player to reset their character's skills, so that they can retrain them to gain additional perks, respec perks and continue leveling.
Once a skill has reached 100, it can be made "Legendary." This resets the skill back to level 15, and refunds any Perk points that were spent in that skill tree.[1] The dragon symbol, commonly associated with the Imperial Legion, will be displayed under the skill's name, indicating that it has been made Legendary, and a number appears beside it to track how many times this has occurred.
Legendary skills level up normally, and have no added benefits compared with non-Legendary skills. The purpose of making a skill Legendary is to allow it to contribute to increasing character level again. In Skyrim, character levels are gained by leveling up one's Skills. When all skills reach 100, the character can no longer gain character levels (this occurs at level 81). Making skills Legendary allows skill leveling to continue, which in turn allows character level to continue to rise.
When a Legendary skill is mastered, it can be made Legendary again. This effectively removes any level cap, since the player can continue to max and reset skills an infinite number of times. It also allows them to level using only a small number of skills, so they can level while ignoring unwanted skills or focus on easily-leveled skills for faster level gain.
?Skills outside of the preferred playstyle no longer need to be leveled to continue increasing the overall level.
?The overall level cap is removed.
?Give the option of a perk reset like the one found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn, though crude in execution.
?The skill reverts back to novice, which can be challenging if choosing to make a core skill legendary and fighting higher-tier monsters. It is recommended to fight lower level enemies to get that skill back up.
It is generally inadvisable to make core combat skills Legendary. For instance, a character whose primary means of attack is with bows will find themselves severely handicapped by making Archery legendary. One should also take into account the ease of leveling various skills.
Maximum level
In order to gain all 251 perks available, one or more skills must be made Legendary a total of 147 times, if starting at level 81. While there is no maximum level cap, reaching level 252 is sufficient to gain all perks.