Help changing Aetherial Shield Base Spell to Absorb Magicka

Post » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:38 pm

Hey guys, I can't get this to work; I can see the FX/duration changes, but it just won't absorb magicka. I've tried going about it a couple ways, but the latest was to remove the calm and fear effects from the aetherial shield bash spell, and modify the unique etherialize magic effect to turn it into absorb magicka.

What am I doing wrong? It's cast, and I can tell it's picking up the right magic effect, but no absorbing... :( Is there something funky about the effect archetype? I've got it set to Absorb, Fire and Forget, Contact, with the first Assoc. Item set to Magicka.

Also, how on earth do I add an attachment? I'd like to add a picture of my magic effect screen. I must be blind, but I see no way though Firefox or IE.

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Jessica Nash
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