Hi there
Its my first post over here, its not a favorite topic to start with but, what to say ...
its all about CEW Hunter0008 & CEW Failen17pl
Since some time me and my teammates from my clan we suspected two of CEW players to use cheats by them, so we did some kind of mystification
I changed name tag on my acc, i changed name tag twice to not get suspicious also to not get recognized as a camper, then turn on Blind Spot and with two nametags started to check if our suspicion was right
my names then
nWAY bobbynobby
In our opinion there is 1000 % proof of use tagging
we tryed to deal with CEW's but there seems to be to much ignorance over there ( El POlako, Damianoo, Failen17pl, Hunter0008) calling us losers, pussssys etc anyway
So please confirm or not if in your opinion there 2 of CEW's players are cheating
most instrested moments from 3.32 min
thanks in advance