Help me choose?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:42 pm

I need help choosing whether or not I want to be an Argonian or Khajiit lol. I want to play stealth, like maybe an Agent like character, no armor really and I thought about using hand to hand. I'm just not sure. If you can't help with some insight on Hand to Hand vs other weapons than please do. Bottom line though, I'd like to know not based on stats but based on culture, religion, appearance, location, history and other factors not involving stats what you guys and gals would choose. I am really leaning towards Khajiit because I like the look of them, but I simply can't decide for the life of me. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:56 pm

If you're going to be using Hand-to-hand and no armor then culturally Khajiit would be the best fit.

In Morrowind if you ask a monk about his trade he will tell you:

I am a monk. In mind and spirit, I am a student of the hidden mysteries, of the unseen world that lies behind the objects and ideas of everyday life. In body, I am a student of the ancient martial arts, patterned on the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles of Elsweyr. I pursue hand-to-hand and unarmored self-defense, because what you don't have, you cannot lose. I also train with the blunt weapons called staffs, because even the poorest peasant can own a staff.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:01 am

Nothing but personal opinion and blind prejudice : Khajiit. Argonian for a stealthy mage type with alchemy and your detect life and that, but for hand to hand, Kahjiit every time.
A lot of time you will hear that hand to hand is useless, but remember you get the block perks as well, so an expert gets the knockback/stagger regardless of actual block skill, and of course a journeyman can hurt ghosts with bare hands, a little touch but how cool is that?
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:50 am

Khajiit, hands down. Those pesky Argonians are creepy and probably up to no good, never trusted them. Khajiits are more agile, graceful and c′mon, they don′t have cold scales. They have fur! :celebration: Not to mention, they enjoy more that I give you for being a new member here.

Welcome :icecream:
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:58 am

I've only ever played either race very briefly. I love Argonians, their lore is very interesting and they look cool (in my mind, in game they don't look deadly enough).

However, for what you're suggesting, I think a Khajiit would fit perfectly. Their lore is also incredibly interesting, and they're perfectly suited to stealth. Make yourself a rule to never wear shoes and you're gold.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:38 pm

I think a Khajiit would fit perfectly. Their lore is also incredibly interesting, and they're perfectly suited to stealth. Make yourself a rule to never wear shoes and you're gold.

Agreed to this. Also, never wear a helmet. It will make those nice ears hurt on him
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 pm

Thanks for your replies guys, and thank you mirocu for welcoming me to the TES community :D I can't wait to play Skyrim and talk about it on the forums here lol.
I have chosen to go with a Khajiit because lets face it.... There bad *** haha.

Oddly enough, I can't find any lore on Argonian's but then again I didn't try to for very long either. I've only been a fan of TES since Oblivion as it is the first and only TEST game I've ever played, so I don't know a lot of history and lore. I was reading somewhere on these forum's that Khajiit's are actually pretty "evil" based on a book from Morrowind but I can't confirm any evilness from them because I've never read about it, you guy's know anything about that? Or where I can find a link to read about it? :smile:
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:29 am

Thanks for your replies guys, and thank you mirocu for welcoming me to the TES community :D I can't wait to play Skyrim and talk about it on the forums here lol.
I have chosen to go with a Khajiit because lets face it.... There bad *** haha.

Oddly enough, I can't find any lore on Argonian's but then again I didn't try to for very long either. I've only been a fan of TES since Oblivion as it is the first and only TEST game I've ever played, so I don't know a lot of history and lore. I was reading somewhere on these forum's that Khajiit's are actually pretty "evil" based on a book from Morrowind but I can't confirm any evilness from them because I've never read about it, you guy's know anything about that? Or where I can find a link to read about it? :smile:

Some info on
Some info on

On there, you can find just about everything lore related you could possibly want.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:08 pm

Argonian all the way.

they have 2 things khajiit dont have..

1) underwater breathing

2) badass-ness.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:54 am

Good luck with the Khajiit. The kittys are perfect for a sneaky type character, as are the Argonians.

I would play the Khajiit as a bandit type thief, the Argonian as a mage / assassin-thief.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:01 pm

In case you want some lore on the Argonians, you might check:

The reason that you can't really find much written about Argonians and the Black Marsh is probably that they are, of the 10 main races in Tamriel, the one we know less about. Black Marsh seems to be an inhospitable place, that cannot be colonized as the other provinces were because of it's climate an habitat. That, added to the fact that the Argonians don't talk much about themselves and their territory, adds to their classification as a mysterious race. I like them :)

I am no lore expert, just found this by reading a bit of those articles above. Hope it helps anyway ;)

ps: please Beth, give me a TES VI: Blackmarsh! :tes:
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:42 pm

The reason that you can't really find much written about Argonians and the Black Marsh is probably that they are, of the 10 main races in Tamriel, the one we know less about. Black Marsh seems to be an inhospitable place, that cannot be colonized as the other provinces were because of it's climate an habitat. That, added to the fact that the Argonians don't talk much about themselves and their territory, adds to their classification as a mysterious race.

The reptilians want us to know of them, not about them
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:32 pm

I would go Argonian but I am biased as they are one of my favourite races :wink_smile:
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