Today on, we'll be running a couple polls on what character you'd like us to create using Skyrim's character creator.
Poll will end at 9am EST tomorrow morning. Polls will start going up in a few.
I'm all for either a Breton or Argonian! But not just any Breton or Argonian; a metrosixual Breton or Argonian.
XD XD XD How about like an Argonian with the skills that make it a magic-support warrior. oh wait you can't choose you're starting skills, because THIS IS SKYRIM!
I'd rather see a male, no sixism intended, but I think I speak for most when I say most people don't play female beasts, unless you roleplay like that.
No because of the casual fans that don't follow the game they rather see a nord or dunmer rather than Argonian... All because the 200k outnumber us that are following the page on Facebook lol