Help creating new character

Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:10 am

After creating my first character, going mad with conjuring, and finding myself getting beat around due to bad leveling :banghead: I'm not really sure what character to play as (I did finish the main quest with my first character, so I did finish up, but only just) so any thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated. I just am never sure what to do? :unsure2:
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:13 am

Suggestion: If the vanilla leveling is uncomfortable to you, get a leveling mod.

That being said, I myself currently play a sort of warrior-thief (Reaver) who employs conjuration, but I suppose you toyed with conjuration to your heart's content already.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:59 am

After creating my first character, going mad with conjuring, and finding myself getting beat around due to bad leveling :banghead: I'm not really sure what character to play as (I did finish the main quest with my first character, so I did finish up, but only just) so any thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated. I just am never sure what to do? :unsure2:

You give us almost nothing to go by here. As such, you will tend to get recommendations that translate to what the posters who are replying like to play. I, for example will suggest a Bosmeri mystic archer. If you want recommendations that offer more insight tailored to you, then you really need to give us as much info as you can about your preferences within the game. Do you hate swords and illusion spells for example? Do you long to send a character through the DB? Do you want to avoid the MQ this time? Are there some races that you know you would prefer not to play? Is it important that your character be of one six or the other?
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:16 am

i like the battlemage style of heavy armor+weapons+spells+enchantments...but its almost too powerful. I also really like playing pure mages, just switching off conjuration or alchemy, and using the atronock birthsign. usually max out destruction by level 8 lol. Also playing a thief/assassin character is extremly fun, the ai is...exploitibly stupid sometimes lol. I don't know what your old character was, but i'd recommend doing something different just to see if you have any fun.
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JR Cash
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:13 am

I like to make role playing characters so don't go for rounded.

I go with a Nord Warrior / mage using willpower magics alongside heavy armor, armorer, block & blade

Or an Khajiit warrior / assassin/ thief using light armor, blade, marksmen, acrobatics, sneak, etc (Bosmer also works and is slightly higher in marksman but many overlook the fact they arevery crap with blade / blunt = 30 starting stat)

Argonian is another alternative for a good warrior / assassin / thief character with all good starting stats and has the added bonus of +5 alchemy (45). Dunmer are another and lack only in willpower & personality skills but excel in speed skills, blade, marksmen & mysticism.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:35 am

My suggestion would be a spellcaster relying on only three magic schools. These can be any three, but in my opinion the most powerful group is "Illusion, Conjuration and Restoration".

This method forces you to think.
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Robert Jr
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