I would like some help with creating a summon spell for one of my created followers. I\ve only been using the creation kit for a week and I cant find any dumbed down tutorial videos on how to do this. So far I am trying to use a script to summon my follower but when I cast the spell nothing happens. I have the spell effect archtype set to Script and the spell duration is set to 1.
I think that I am writing the script incorrectly and thats why the spell fails. I am also unsure if I have the property setup wrong. Ritzuka7 is the actors ID and Ritzuka would be the character name.
This what I have written so far:
Scriptname SummonRitzuka2 extends activemagiceffect
{Scriptname Summonritzuka extends ActiveMagicEffect
ACTOR Property Ritzuka7 AUTO
EVENT onEffectStart(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster)
Ritzuka7 = game.getPlayer(1).moveto(Ritzuka7)
EVENT onEffectFinish(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster)
LeveledActor Property Ritzuka7 Auto