I just went out and bought the Fallout Trilogy, and was so happy to have a patched version of Fallout 2, as well as Tactics, to take home and play. Tactics runs fine, and I already had FO1 installed, but FO2, both the 'fixed' and the 'core' version on the game, have some kind of graphical glitch as soon as I start them up. The Interplay logo goes all psychadelic dream colours, and the colouring glitch goes on for the rest of the intro and title screen as well. What's going on there?
On an update, it looks like the oddness is /fairly/ restricted. It appears heavily during FMVs. During regular gameplay, it makes the character sheet (mostly the attribute numbers) hard to read, and appears faintly in a few places on the basic game screen (like the shadows on the PiPBoy interface at the bottom of the screen).