Help me find the mod I'm looking for.

Post » Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:28 pm

Hello all feel free to skip this first paragraph if you like, it's just backstory. My PC hadn't had a re-install of Windows 7 for almost 3-years and was running unbelievable slow, possibly due to having over a hundred games installed (with at least one installed and uninstalled daily over a 3-year period) the constant downloading and deleting of mods and so on and so on... you know how it goes. Anyway it reached a point where everything was just running so slow and lagging, and rather than clean up the unholy mess that was my desktop and hard drive bit by bit, I just said screw it and reinstalled windows. So now I have a lovely fast PC that feels brand new, I've reinstalled Skyrim and downloaded the high resolution DLC and all my other DLC's (Dawnguard, Dragonborn) and am ready to play again, there's just one problem...

I had so many mods to enhance Skyrim (gameplay, not graphical, the graphics are fine as they are) that playing the vanilla game just isn't an option for me anymore, but at the same time I can't remember what 99% of those mods even were. I'm not looking to re-create my Skyrim as it was before I reinstalled Windows 7, all I'm looking for is an overhaul mod. You remember Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul for Oblivion? It overhauled almost everything. Made the game harder, changed potion skins, added a bank, added new NPC's, a real-life barter system and so on and so on. Is there anything at all similar to that for Skyrim? An overhaul mod that makes it harder and enhances lots of stuff? I know I'll have to download the script extender and the unofficial patches for Skyrim and my DLC's separate, that's fine, but I really don't feel like downloading 500 mods again.

Thanks very much in advance for any help. :twirl:

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