Maybe a year ago I stopped playing New Vegas. I used to play it with ALOT of mods. I'm getting back into it and want some mods. I remember one mod which added a tonne of guns. I've looked everywhere and cant find or remember it. So I'll try describe it and it would be much appreciated if someone could tell me what it is.
So basically it added a tonne of real guns such as the ak74 FN-FAL Mp5 ect. I think it may have replaced weapons already i the game. NPCs would also spawn with these added weapons. It reaquired CaliberX for the ammo types and perhaps another mod. IT also added a shop just outside of the strip, across the street from the kings hq. When you go in there, there was a blue tint and loads of weapons in there. Then you could buy guns and weapon attachments.
Any help is much appreciated!