Help finishing Morvunskar

Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:28 am

Up until this quest, I haven't had too much trouble in Skyrim. My character is a level 24 Redguard with a Dwarven war hammer enchanted with ~14 additional frost damage. He has a mix of steel plated and Dwarven heavy armor that is enchanted with health (+31), fire resistance (+20) and two-handed (+15), wearing a ring of Namia (+50 stamina) and an amulet of frost resistance (+40). He's been around, done a few things, killed 4-5 dragons, several giants and mammoths and carries as many potions as possible. Still I could not beat the necromancers in Morvunskar, specifically, the boss. For me, she was a pyrotechnic master armed with a staff of fireballs.

My first try, I cast two scrolls of shocking Antronachs, then followed with volleys of fire bolts. My follower (custom - Amanda) took the brunt of the attacks, and we were able to get all the apprentices. But the boss just kept firing fireballs and every third had me pausing for health potions. She just wouldn't stay still long enough for me to aim my icy Dwarven bow at her. I'd hit her once, she hit me three times, the fourth would kill me. I tried this several times with the same results, my death. I tried retreating, but she wouldn't follow. I tried hiding and moving out for a shot, but she always beat me to the first volley - as well as being far more accurate. I missed half the time as she would dodge, but she almost NEVER missed me - I mean I can't dodge quickly with my bow drawn.

Okay, I need to engage her up close and personal, I thought. Nope. I would draw my slow hammer back only to see her dodge behind me and fire another volley of fireballs into my backside - a one shot kill. I tried the simple thune's I knew, I forget their names, but the one that makes you run fast, the other claims to weaken her, though I saw no effective difference.

Once, I got her down to just a few health, but she dipped behind a barrier and came back out fully healed. Her next fireball sent me to Sauvenguard once again.

Okay, I got it, I'll go invisible. I stepped behind a wall and restored my health and quaffed an invisibility potion. I stepped back out into her view and she one-shot killed me again, even without supposedly seeing me!

That was it! I reloaded for the umpteenth time and TGM'd my way past her (TGM should stand for Thank God Man). Even that was unduly hard. She just kept running out of my lumbering way and attacking me from behind. Even with TGM on, it took me quite a while to beat her. In fact I needed my follower to get up from cowering and attract her attention before I could even get a blade (okay, a hammer) on her.

So the question is: How in the heck does my Redguard beat this fire-balling bit che? It's obvious to me that my character build is VERY susceptible to quick spell casters, but every build has it's short comings, right? What should I try next time?

All you grand diviners out there, please grant me your learned advice. There is one caveat though, please refrain from telling me to lower the difficulty settings.


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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:32 pm

Do you have the Ice Form shout? I would think it to be very useful in this situation. Also any ice spell that might slow her down long enough to get close to her. For what it's worth using lightning spells (Storm Atronachs) is almost useless in many cases because enemy mages have such a stunning reserve of magicka. I would go for a flame Atronach instead, they can throw fireballs nearly as fast as she can and it may do more good against her.

The Ethereal shout would also be useful since you could go ethereal to heal up without having to beat a retreat and can also from what I understand continue to attack. Even though this supposedly is not possible.

Building up your magic resistance would seem to be a no brainer as well.

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:25 pm

Ethereal form gets canceled as soon as your character lands a single hit. Besides the obvious use as a getaway, one can use it to charge in with impunity, then either deliver a power attack, or a bash, followed by a power attack.

That's the next logical step for any character. 50% spell sbsorption can also be easily acquired and if you want to go crazy, you can use both magic resistance and spell absorption.

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Katie Pollard
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:14 pm

Stun the Boss at the top of the throne area with Unrelenting Force then smash thier skull in with a big Hammer. Leave the lesser opponents for Followers and Summons.

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Ellie English
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