I'm going through the script log looking for and fixing all the errors I can find, and don't understand why I'm even getting some of these. They don't make sense. For example:
stack: [BalokFalcoQuest (0E098CB6)].Balo_QF_BalokFalcoQuest_02098CB6.Fragment_15() - "Balo_QF_BalokFalcoQuest_02098CB6.psc" Line 98[10/20/2013 - 11:38:41PM] error: Cannot call EvaluatePackage() on a None object, aborting function call
OK, so I go to line 98 of my quest script and here is what is on line 98:
That alias is certainly not a None object, as the quest wouldn't even run if it didn't fill right? So what could cause this type of error? I just don't get it.
Also I should add this is not a dirty save as I played from the beginning on a brand new toon.