Greetings, like the description says I'm trying to make a two handed sword (Specifically the fine steel claymore) into a one handed weapon. Just changing it in the CS from two to one doesn't work, it just sticks it on the back of the character and when he pulls it out he reaches for his side and holds nothing. Pointless intro continuing, I think I need to change something with the mesh and I have gotten NifSkope to do so but have absolutely no idea what I'm doing or how to do it. I have looked all over for tutorials on how to use NifSkope but nothing is helping (they're all messing with the camera and cloths and stuff) I have coppied a one handed sword into the fine steel claymore mesh and have screwed around with it a bit and all it get in the CS is a yellow diamond with a purple "!". Any assistance that I can understand (not as good with this stuff as I should be) will be much obliged.
Thank you for even bothering to read this far.
Not idea about it, but out of curiosity...
When your character reaches for his side and holds nothing, the sword is finally teleported to his hand or it stays in the seath unreachable and your character continues unarmed?