» Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:14 am
First, find all the vendors and then get into the caravan thing. Then just kill stuff and sell the loot. Get a companion, or two or three with mods, to help carry it all. Save it up in Megaton and then go on a tour of the vendors selling the items. Then repeat ever three days after their inventories reset. There are about 12 pretty good vendors (if you don’t kill them first) plus the caravans.
After the Enclave start up, there will be much more loot than there are caps to buy it, so I just take the rest out as ammo and aids. I played one of my characters a while today and she just sold a ton of stuff and now has a total of 247, 847 caps. Not that there’s anything she can do with all that, but that’s what she carries around.