Help get me started

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:13 pm

Hey guys i'm new here as you can probably tell. I need a littel help, I find everything a little confusing.

First I will say this game is great, it would be better if I knew what was going on. I have a few questions in all different topics.

Bobbleheads, I found one and do not understand it. It says it added science I think. It's in my items but what do I do with it?

Another things is all these items I'm collecting, what do i do with the "misc" section. Stuff like fusion batterys, surgical tubbing, tin cans etc. I usually leave the cheap stuff and carry the lightwieght expensive stuff.

Stealing, I have not done it yet. Do you guys steal or does it screw things up. Also with that said where can i find my karma meter if I have one?

Armor I still have vault clothes should I hang onto them or sell them, will I find better stuff later?

Also anything you can add to help me on my journey. Oh and I forgot picking locks Is this bad? And when I go near the bomb in Megaton it says activate, would that destroy the city for good?

Thanks for all the help guys. I may be asking more questions on this thread. I'm new but not new to forums so I hope went by the rules. If I failed to do so please let me know for next time.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:48 am

oh yeah and do I get a house or anything. If yes, when where and how do i get it?
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:45 am

oh yeah and do I get a house or anything. If yes, when where and how do i get it?

You can get a house, in Megaton speak to the Sheriff dude (The black guy) and tell him you will disarm the bomb. If you disarm it, he gives you caps and the deed to a vacant house. Talk to the chick in Craterside Supply to spruce up the place too, but those tend to be expensive.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:20 pm

Don't worry about the bobblehead for now, you'll find a place for it later.

Some of the things in your misc. section can be used to build homemade weapons, some you can just sell. You'll find ways to build them later on, but for now, keeping the lightweight expensive items to sell is a good strategy. Some items are used in quests later on. Inevitably, you'll sell something you should have kept, but it's not a big deal. There's plenty of stuff to pick up in the wastes.

You can check out your karma in your pip boy, in the section that has your stats, like how many locks you've picked, books you've read, etc. Above the Vault Boys head. There isn't a meter to see an exact number, just a general indication.

Picking locks is only bad if you get caught. :evil: If your crosshair is red, it means the item you're about to pick up, or door you're about to pick is owned, and you'll lose karma for it. If they catch you, they will become violent. If you try to pick an owned lock, or steal an owned item, sneak and be hidden. If it's green, just go for it.

I've never stolen from a merchant and then tried to sell the item back to them, but I think the only penalty for stealing an owned item is the karma hit (and the potential violence).
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:15 am

Hey guys i'm new here as you can probably tell. I need a littel help, I find everything a little confusing.

First I will say this game is great, it would be better if I knew what was going on. I have a few questions in all different topics.

Bobbleheads, I found one and do not understand it. It says it added science I think. It's in my items but what do I do with it?

It raises a particular Skill by 10 points or an S.P.E.C.I.A.L Attritbute by 1 point. In this particular case, your Science skill was increased by 10.

When you have a house, you get a bobblehead stand which you can place your bobbleheads on - it's just for decoration at this point.

Another things is all these items I'm collecting, what do i do with the "misc" section. Stuff like fusion batterys, surgical tubbing, tin cans etc. I usually leave the cheap stuff and carry the lightwieght expensive stuff.

Some of the misc items have no other use other than to sell for caps. Other stuff (such as fusion batteries, surgical tubing, tin cans) can be used for making weapons, but you need to obtain the schemtics for these weapons first.

Stealing, I have not done it yet. Do you guys steal or does it screw things up. Also with that said where can i find my karma meter if I have one?

If you get caught, the owner may become hostile in some cases and attack you and that may screw things up.
As long as you don't get caught stealing, it shouldn't make too much difference - just make sure you're [Hidden] when you steal.

Armor I still have vault clothes should I hang onto them or sell them, will I find better stuff later?

Sell it.
You can loot better armor off any dead person whether you killed them personally or if they were killed by something else.

Also anything you can add to help me on my journey. Oh and I forgot picking locks Is this bad? And when I go near the bomb in Megaton it says activate, would that destroy the city for good?

You can safely pick any lock that doesn't turn your crosshairs red because it doesn't belong to anyone.

If your crosshairs turn red, picking it would be the same as stealing - you make sure you're [Hidden] if you do.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:41 pm

Go talk to Moira at Craterside Supply in Megaton. She has a quest that will help you get acclimated to the game. And in doing her quest(s), you will bump into many more quests from other people.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:41 pm

Wow thanks for all the quick replys. It's gonna take time but now i have a better understanding about it all. I think I messed up bad for betting a house. I was talking to the sheriff and told him about that guy at the bar who wanted me to activate the bomb. Well the sheriff ran up there and got killed by the guy. I looted the dead body and got keys to his house and a few other items. Now if I disarm the bomb I cant get a house right? I did not mean for this to happen at all. I dont know what to do. Do I still disarm the bomb? How do i do that? When i go up to it all it says is activate. i'm confused. I thought the sheriff was just gonna take him to jail until the guy pulled out a gun and shot him in the head really really quick.I wanted a house and I like Megaton, I am familiar with it.Please help. Stupid weird dude screwed everything up.Oh and also I repaired leaks around town what do i do now, do I get anything?

About the steeling. If have no caps and health is low and come to a medical case, would it be the end of the world if I took it without being caught?
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:10 pm

Wow thanks for all the quick replys. It's gonna take time but now i have a better understanding about it all. I think I messed up bad for betting a house. I was talking to the sheriff and told him about that guy at the bar who wanted me to activate the bomb. Well the sheriff ran up there and got killed by the guy. I looted the dead body and got keys to his house and a few other items. Now if I disarm the bomb I cant get a house right? I did not mean for this to happen at all. I dont know what to do. Do I still disarm the bomb? How do i do that? When i go up to it all it says is activate. i'm confused. I thought the sheriff was just gonna take him to jail until the guy pulled out a gun and shot him in the head really really quick.I wanted a house and I like Megaton, I am familiar with it.Please help. Stupid weird dude screwed everything up.Oh and also I repaired leaks around town what do i do now, do I get anything?

About the steeling. If have no caps and health is low and come to a medical case, would it be the end of the world if I took it without being caught?

One thing you can do is restart the game. You are not too far into the game and now, armed with the new information, you can get the house. It is a great place to store all or your inventory that you don't sell.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:40 am

After searching I find that I can get the deed from his son still, Thank goodness. As far restarting the game I'd rather not. It shows how new I am lol. It may seem like I just started it to you but gosh I feel like Ive been playing forever. Ive spent a good ten hours into it so far. Thats taking my time with everything. Ive put so much effort into what I have now I'd hate to restart it. Thanks for the advice but lol this game was hard enough to get here. Its a very complicating game to someone who has never played anything like it before. I find myself in a ton of bad situations,

At first I wished there was a little more direction in the game but now after playing for a bit I realize that direction is created by you. I was confused at first because somebody told me this game was a lot like Borderlands, what were they smoking. ya maybe looting but its entirely different. I love borderlands but this game is insanely great. Honestly at first I was expecting borderlands and I did not what I was seeing but after playing for 30 minutes I saw how great this game really was. I can't it was five bucks a gamestop! Great deal.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:36 am

Hey guys i'm new here as you can probably tell. I need a littel help, I find everything a little confusing.
First I will say this game is great, it would be better if I knew what was going on. I have a few questions in all different topics.
Bobbleheads, I found one and do not understand it. It says it added science I think. It's in my items but what do I do with it?

There are 2 types of bobbleheads, one set of 7, that increases you S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats by 1, and another, set of 13, that increases your skills by 10 points.
After playing the game as much as I have, I realize now that when I replay the game, I will get 6 of the specila bobble heads after I get a perk that will raise all my special stats to 9 since I have the GOTY edition.
This way I can build my stats and skills to 100 % as much as possible. Right now, I have 100 on all my skills except 2, which are at 75 & 76. All my specila stats are at 9 except 3 which is at 10.
Of course you need to pick up the meidcine bobble head before you leave vault 101.

Another things is all these items I'm collecting, what do i do with the "misc" section. Stuff like fusion batterys, surgical tubbing, tin cans etc. I usually leave the cheap stuff and carry the lightwieght expensive stuff.

Get the house in Megaton and store as much as you want.
Note that each vendor will have only a limited amount of caps, so watch that you only sell the amount you need and store the rest to sell when they regenerate thier caps.
I made the mistake, many times, giving all my stuff to the vender and not paying attention to how much caps they had and lost a lot of stuff.
Explore on line about the weapons you can make and see what you need for them.
For example, nuka grenades needs, 1-Tin Can (not the bent tin can), 1-Nuka Quantom, 1-Turpintine, and 1-Abraxo detergent. This a very powerful grenade.
Another tip is, if you have the game of the year edition, or the DLC, "Broken Steel," save all your Nuka Colas and don't use them. Save them in your house or storage bin.
You will eventually get a "Quatum Chemist" perk that turns every 10 nuka cola's into a Nuka Cola Quantum.

Stealing, I have not done it yet. Do you guys steal or does it screw things up.

Bad Karma, but a must in building up skills. Build your character as you wish.
Stealing is sometimes preferable compared to killing a character you want to remain active in the game.
So you need to build up skills related to it.

Also with that said where can i find my karma meter if I have one?

Look in you pipboy, Stats tab, under General. There is a graphic there that will give you an idea where your karma lies.
Look at this web site...
...for some more information.
I would have liked to haave seen a meter as well, but all we have are graphics.

Armor - I still have vault clothes should I hang onto them or sell them, will I find better stuff later?

Again you need to house in Megaton.
You should keep the vault clothes untill Moira gives you another set from one of her quests. Of course, this is my opinion, and you need to do what is best for you and your character as you decide. There is not right or wrong in this game. Save ofter and reload if you think you make a bad choice to do over.
Sell what you can spare, keep and store what you think you will need. If you are worried you might need it, keep it.
After your experience builds up, you can decide later.
Also, the lighter your gear is you have on, the faster you move.
Build your caps, sell as much as you can spare.
You will need to repair your equipment a lot and need to purchase armor for repaiiring your armor yourself, that is if you don't find it first, to build up repair skills. That is one other skill that needs to be boosted, the "Repair" skill.

Oh and I forgot picking locks Is this bad?

Remember this is just a game and try not to let your morals totally stop you from playing.
You will need the lock pick skill in every part of the game, so you need to build it up as much as you can. There are some side quests, that is good karma, that you can not do unless your lock pick skills are at 100.
A good tip on this is to save before every lock pick attempt and reload after each failed attempt. This way you will have ample amount of bobby pins on hand for the harder locks. There is some locks that you have no choice but to break some to get it open.

And when I go near the bomb in Megaton it says activate, would that destroy the city for good?

Yes with totally bad karma.
You will lose the house in Megaton.
Of course, you can continue playing evil and get a room at Tenpenny Towers as well.

Last tip. Look on the web for as much information as possible to help in the game play.

Unfortunately, my PS3's dvd player went out and now I am stuck without playing the game through.
Will be a long time before I am able to get this repaired.:violin:
The HORROR of it all.

And I am 120 hours into the game.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:49 pm

Fallout wiki will give you all the answers.

New players should only use it if they really get stuck. Otherwise it will spoil the fun on the first playthru.
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