Its morning here and I just had the weirdest dream true story btw! When my dream started I was wandering through that forest in Skyrim with the hunter stalking the (elk?) alongside Todd Howard, yes you heard me, Todd was by my side but he was dressed up in hunting gear with a bow on his back! It gets weirder, we wander along amongst the rustling trees until I see a cabin, we both enter the cabin and shut the door, but when inside I noticed that the interior was like a modern condo, its walls adorned with TES memorabilia! To make things more bizarre Todd turns on his big TV and Daggerfall is on it and he asks me if I want a game? !!!! All the time I must have been like the adoring fan or something from Oblivion, because I was looking at him adoringingly, like he was my biggest hero or something?!!!! Now I am a happily married man with a 1 and a half year old girl, what the hell is going on? In my dream I remember asking him why he isn't married and all he does is point to his the Game Memoribilia and chuckles (when I know in RL he is married!) (I have been a big fan of TES since Arena but this is going a little far?)
The last thing I remember before waking up was us 2 eating pizza and me staring in amazement at him like he was some sort of legend? What the hell is going on with my head, any physcologist want to figure this one out, I don't even remember thinking about Skyrim or the TES or Todd for that matter before going to sleep?

hmy: :bonk: :dry: I think I need a vacation.....
Lets look at the elements shall we:
1. The setting is much inspired by a single screenshot - it must be the one that's made the biggest impression on you.
2. Todd Howard is in the dream, so you probably are either one of those people that like to go "TOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!" inside when you read some disapointing info in these forums or the opposite, you revere him as the most awesome gamedev, or both.
3. The cabin is full of TES memorabilia - this one is easy: your obsessed with TES

4. The screen features Daggerfall. THe fact that you could clearly identify that it was Daggerfall and not just "some sort of TES game" or Skyrim means that Daggerfall holds a special place in your heart. Judging that you also said your already married I'm guessing that was you first TES game? EDIT: wrong guess, but close

5. Finally, the question about Todd not being married while he is - this one I'm not so sure about. This may be some deeply rooted preconception that video games are for kids and teens only flaring up in your subconcious.
There. Not bad for someone who only understands a spoonfull about psychology, ay?