now i cant continue the quest because he want to kill me. what should i do
do the npcs calm down after a while
now i cant continue the quest because he want to kill me. what should i do
do the npcs calm down after a while
im kinda new to skyrim. i guess i will have to curb my desire to kill everything in sight
Go to Whiterun and pay your bounty to a guard.
I thought the Riverwood chicken belonged to Hilde.
i havent really got any money. and how am i supposed to pay if they keep shooting at me.
although, perhaps i can dodge the arrows and sell them to pay for my villainy
I think the chicken is only 40 gold. Now, if you start killing the townsfolk of Riverwood, you will generate an additional 1K gold for each body. The choice is yours, but I think I would settle for the 40g and pay it off in Whiterun.
Head to a different hold (Falkreath is close by), and make a bit of gold there; then go pay off your bounty in Whiterun.
Killing a chicken is one of the worst crimes you can commit, you can kill as many people as you like but a chicken is a big no no, the Nords worship them you know, just visit the Rift if you dont believe me.
Iona, sworn to protect you but protects the hen outside Honeyside even more.
with my recent skyrim character i killed some chickens in riverwood just to be cruel (i'm not a new tes player).
so skyrim chicken killers can be of any experiance level from total noob all the way to pro.
as i said in my previous post i did it to be cruel.
I will admit, the thought did cross my mind to "off" this same chicken, but I resisted the urge due to the expected consequences. (New to Skyrim, but played a fair amount of Oblivion until my PS3 died.)
Lesson learned, reload a previous save, and never kill chickens!
Evil Laugh!!!
...dis chicken is going to find you sooner or later.....hehe
That's if the player can deal with the troll and bears first. There's plenty of them in the Rift. They worship them to. Then the player can deal with the chickens. Do it at level six and see how long do you last.