ok i'm level 40 with a pure warrior character atm and honestly i'm a bit burnt out of him...(game becomes a bit lol when your just running around with a claymore nearly one shoting everything while nothing can bring you past 95% health)
so i'm going to make a stealthy assassin type but i have nearly no clue where to start besides the super basics so help me out here...
for weapons i assume one hand / archery? and is dual wielding good? ... also daggers or swords
light armor/ sneak is a given, but is lock-picking even worth it? i don't have a point in it on my warrior and i can do masters no prob.
what races are most viable?
what other skills should i be going for? and how should i distribute my magicka / heath / stamina when i level?
basically i want to be a ninja going around stabbing people in the back with no one ever seeing me, i guess having archery as a backup
any and all advice is welcome, thanks in advance
Lockpicking - no, you don't need perks in it. I'm the same as your warrior on my thief, can do master locks with no perks.
I'd definitely recommend a bow/sneak build. I went with bow and 2hand but i've barely used my 2hand - bows that good. Sneak sniping people is cool, and with the bow perks to be able to run while drawing etc, you don't even need to change to melee at all. I just side-step and sprint around shooting things. Thats if you even get detected. If you really don't want to be you can just stealth kill everything except dragons basically.
I'd recommend pickpocket too, as it's easy to level, has good perks like +100 carry weight and can pickpocket weapons and armour people are wearing. Just make sure you join the thiefs guild and unlock the fences early, or your house will be overflowing with crap you can't sell fast enough like me hehe. Pickpocket also has the benefit of levelling you up quite a bit without strengthening your character if you know what I mean. I see that as a benefit anyway as it makes the game more challenging. Bow/sneak is so strong that you'll probably need to play it on highest difficulty and with little tricks like that to keep it nice and hard. If you like a challenge like I do anyway.
So in summary - Archery, Sneak, Light Armour, Pickpocket and some type of melee skill are all you really need. I went Wood Elf, but really any race works after a few levels. If one has a racial you like then take that as a lot of the thief "races" have crappy racials imo. The furry one of seeing at night might be useful, haven't tried it.