Help making certain followers playable

Post » Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:05 am


Recently I've been experimenting with the CK to make followers playable. In particular, I'm interested in female followers such as, who use custom meshes and textures. To make them playable, I figured I would create a new race, and then add the follower's custom meshes, textures and face preset to that race.

When looking at follower mods with the CK, I noticed that they can be divided in two groups: those where a new race already exists (and the follower is a member of it), and those where no new race has been created (and the follower is thus a member of vanilla race even though she uses custom assets). Currently I can make the former type of follower playable, but I have trouble making the latter type playable.

To create a new race, I used the following Using follower mods that include a custom race as a reference, I created the necessary form lists, linked the relevant head parts, and modified the face data, body data and tinting sections of the new race accordingly. I of course also added the follower's face geometry as a preset to the new race, and the meshes and textures that contain it are also in the right place and with the correct name (00000007.nif and

In spite of all the above, I haven't managed to replicate the appearence of a follower if I have to create a custom race first. This is how the looks. And this is how the looks. It seems that the face geometry and at least some of the head parts (hair, eyes, brows...) were successfully imported, yet the textures remained vanilla.

I don't know if somebody who is more experienced in this topic could point out what I may be doing wrong? I can provide more information if necessary.

Thank you very much for any help!

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