hm, i did the same for one of my characters. i can only give you some general advice though:
racemenu from the nexus. get it. it allows for way more options than the vanilla game. textures only go so far. but having full controll over facial features really does help alot.
artistic representation: you will not get your charater to look like you! i tried, i thought i did. then i stepped into a dark dungeon and the character looked completelly different. you need to find a good average, that resembles you under most lighting settings. Skyrim facial features simple react differently to light/darkness than real faces to. what looks close to you at bright sunlight does not have to look close to you at night.
know yourself: this is very important. rince and repeat with consecutive improvements on the character in game (Race menues export/import function does help), but in between, look into the mirror. at first i thought i had pronounced cheekbones, so i went for that but only got so far. turns out i simply have small and slit eyes. or at least this was the features, that got my friends to recognize that the character on screen should resemble me. take your best approach, and look at it from different angles, light from different directions. then try the same IRL in front of a mirror and be observant. trying to model you after some screenshots will likelly not give good results either, if you do not provide diverse screenshots.
also: this guide helped me a lot. while it is focussed on creating a beautiful character, many of the aspects discussed can be applied to creating something else (which is not to say that you may not beautiful