Ok I've got a curly one here. I'm well into a playthrough with ~90 odd mods installed - the main one being 3DNPC.
I just cleared Korvanjund and found that the word wall would not teach me the word - checked the pap log and there was ~600k of spam from WordWallTriggerScript about null references.
After a bit of forensic editing of the script WordWallTrigger02Script I found out that the GlobalVar that tracks the number of words learned (WWSlowTime) was set to 3 which denotes that I have learned the full shout when in fact I had only learned one word. I was able to fix the issue by using the console to set the global to the correct value so that confirmed my diagnosis. Now what I suspect has happened is that one of those said 90 odd mods has a dirty edit somewhere that has attached this globalvar to a script by mistake, which has then proceeded to increment it a couple of times.
So what I'm after is some advice on the best way to track down which one of those mods has attached the globalvar in question to which script. I could find out by checking each mod in the CK but I hope to avoid that chore by leveraging the collective brilliance around here
I had a look at TES5EDIT but couldn't see anything obviously useful in there - I suspect that it might be possible for a pascal guru to whip up a script toot-sweet to list all the refs but there might be an even easier way that I have yet to find out about, perhaps another utility? - any takers?