» Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:06 pm
Ok, so here's what I've got- I think the dragons are triggered by at least these two factors: A: a certain amount of in-game time has passed (not real time) and B: a certain amount of instance loading without combat inbetween. This is based on my personal experience, which is as follows: I'm level 34. I've fought 28 dragons and over half of the battles have taken place at the college of winterhold. Its absolutely ridiculous. typically dragon skeletons don't despawn (at least for a very long time) so the poor college is litterally overrun with dragon bodies- skeletons are hanging off the roof, on the open walkway, and there are six skeletons stacked on top of each other in the central courtyard. I believe that the reason this keeps happening is that, every time I go to the college, i instance load at least 4 times- once to enter the hall of elements, once to enter my archmage quarters, once to get back into the hall of elements, and one more to get outside. that + the long fast travel time to get to the college seems to trigger them. so in conclusion, frequent places that require several instance loads. Or you can just start doing the mages guild quests- trust me, the bodies will start stacking up fast.