Player arrives at outpost where he hears rumours of the Governors daughter having gone missing.
Player visits Governor and is asked by guards his purpose. Player states, has come regarding daughter missing. Guard allows entry through locked door.
Player speaks to Governor who explains that daughter is a priestess and went with servants and guards to south of island where she annually makes prayers at a Temple. She has not returned and a ship sent to recover her has been lost also. Offers 200 gold for player to take quest with 1000 gold if daughter returned or 300 if player brings back a ring personal to daughter as proof daughter is dead. Governor will provide ship and crew to take player near to temple.
Player may accept. If player accepts disable fast travel until quest complete. Also time limit, if player does not take specific ship he becomes a thief and guards will track him down to take money back or imprison him.
Player arrives at ship. Enters ship and is transported to location in ship. Ship is moved to new location where player can walk off ship and onto beach.
Ship will disappear and return to Governors island port (preferably ship will move out to sea and out of sight, then disappear. Would be nice to make weather foggy to make this realistic.)
Player sets off inland. Finds daughter at temple. 1 servant left, 1 soldier left, rest are dead. Have been attacked by pirates and hid. Pirates now gone but drawn to corpses are creatures from island so dangerous to leave. Player then tells daughter that player is to escort her back overland. Daughter and others become companions and will follow player.
Player if lucky arrives back at Governor. If daughter with player, Governor gives money. Daughter moves to other packages and gets on with life at new location.
Player if unfortunate can give special ring from daughter (if killed en-route) and Governor gives money.
Quest ends, fast travel enabled.
This is for the Mesogea mod so the whole quest cant have any links to vanilla obvlivion. I can make the NPC's easily enough and place them and provide packages.
I need help. Help!