thats a common bug, hope a dev will help you there.
A quick tip for users suddenly finding themselves on level 1 ingame. First rule: Dont join a server! Exit Crysis 2 and restore your profile folder.
may be able to restore your DEFAULT profile under windows 7...
The folder you want to restore (win7) is
C:\USERS\<username>\Saved Games\Crysis2\ProfilesNavigate to that folder, then right click on it and select "Restore Previous Versions" getting:
For me, restoring like mentioned before would work. Are you able to do this too? When I am right clicking my profiles folder i am getting this:

So I could even restore a version of the whole folder from the 9th of july.
Restore to a version prior to the "accident" and all of your settings will be returned. This has worked for many. good luck!
Dont know if thats the case for you, because I dont have such a nice ID on gamesas...