Well, Desdaemone (may she R.I.P.) just called one of her zombies "Jimmy," so you can see how imaginative some of us can be. :wink_smile: She also called her Clannfear "Lucy."
I think if I were building a conjurer right now, I'd be inclined to give a zombie a name like "Jeeves." After all, this is someone who always comes when you call. ...Or, if my character happened to be familiar with the Shivering Isles, perhaps even "Haskill." :biggrin:
Edit: Thinking about this some more, I wonder if one could mod in a nice jacket for a zombie to wear...?
I don't think creatures can wear clothing. Otherwise it would be a neat idea. Imagine putting your zombie in ebony armor? :wink_smile:
I do like old meat. He looks kinda old and raggedy next to Nykteria. Plus I never realised how gross and scary looking zombies were in oblivion until I saw this picture. I normally just slash-and-run when I meet them in-game.
Me too! This is the first time they were not attacking me, so I actually stopped to look at one. They really are ugly.
On topic: "Dread" => dreadful.
Or Dredd perhaps? I like it!
I would pick up on the Nykteria Necro-theme and consider either Nefarious or Nebakanezer.
Klaatu, Berada, Necktie?
Hmm, I am liking the names that start with 'N' theme. Perhaps I could start with Nebuchadnezzar, go to Nibelungenlied, then Nodens, and finally Noel. Wait a minute, there is nothing after the Headless Zombie at Journeyman level? That's no fair! I might have to make a few more then, like a Zombie Hero, and a summoned Dread Zombie.
How about Sir Smells-a-Lot or Sir Rots-a-Lot?

He might just kill everyone in the province if I do that!
I think you should name your zombies after Oblivion General Discussion forum members.
That would be mean, and too tempting... :wink_smile: