So, I'm thinking a Stealth character: Tag Skills: Guns, Melee, Sneaking ........... Secondary Skills: Barter, Survival, Repair, Explosives
Name: Thomas Ruben
Origin: Originally from non-controlled Legion area somewhere in Arizona, that's all he remembers.
Age: 28
Personality: Likes gambling and loves the Vegas lifestyle.
Primary Weapons: Maria, Fully Modded .45 Automatic pistol, 12.7mm pistol, Chance's Knife (never used it before), Poisoned Tomahawks***.
Secondary Weapons: Assault Carbine, grenades-C4-mines, Silenced 12.7mm machinegun.
Gear: Clothing. Pre-release gambler suit that the roulette dealer is wearing, a hat and authority glasses.
SPECIAL after surgery: Not sure, but I've never had a character with a high charisma before, so I'm thinking charisma of 8 and then raise it by 2 with alcohol when I'm around people.
i'm gonna side with House. So, any suggestions ?