Help me out with a Build

Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:32 am

Ok, I finally retired my character that I have been playing with for 3 months. For the most part he was anti-NCR/Legion/House, being hostile to them and then later on decided to help NCR because a city run by soul-less machines didn't fit his Mormon outlook. Moving on to a new character with new mods, namely electro city + new vegas bounties 1+2 + New Vegas Strip Overhaul in combination with what I have been already using (IWS+AWOP).

So, I'm thinking a Stealth character: Tag Skills: Guns, Melee, Sneaking ........... Secondary Skills: Barter, Survival, Repair, Explosives

Name: Thomas Ruben
Origin: Originally from non-controlled Legion area somewhere in Arizona, that's all he remembers.
Age: 28

Personality: Likes gambling and loves the Vegas lifestyle.

Primary Weapons: Maria, Fully Modded .45 Automatic pistol, 12.7mm pistol, Chance's Knife (never used it before), Poisoned Tomahawks***.

Secondary Weapons: Assault Carbine, grenades-C4-mines, Silenced 12.7mm machinegun.

Gear: Clothing. Pre-release gambler suit that the roulette dealer is wearing, a hat and authority glasses.

SPECIAL after surgery: Not sure, but I've never had a character with a high charisma before, so I'm thinking charisma of 8 and then raise it by 2 with alcohol when I'm around people.

i'm gonna side with House. So, any suggestions ?
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:31 pm

I'm not sure. Your weapon choices are a bit abstract for a stealth character (though I do not know anything about the mods you mentioned), except for the Chance's Knife and Tomahawks, which I can see working well. I would also have the CHR at 6, because each point of CHR adds 2 points to the respective skills, but not much else. The "nerve" it affects is negligible (in my Easy, Core playthroughs :P) and it would be a waste of SPECIAL. I say that you should add one of the leftover points from the 8 CHR to PER (so you can see your targets coming) and the other to AGL (for the extra AP).

It seems like you are roleplaying in this one, I am personally trying to make my next character look like Charlton Heston. I suggest that you trick Caesar into thinking that you are allies, which would work with your character being of Arizonian descent. The reason why is that there is a repeatable quest known as "Caesar's Will" which gives you tons of Stealth Boys, as well as ammo, Stims, Doctor's Bags, armor, and money.

Hope this helps. :)
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:38 pm

Well if he likes gambling then get the weapon Lucky!
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:53 pm

Well if he likes gambling then get the weapon Lucky!

Even if you don't like gambling, you should get it. My favorite gun in the game. :fallout:
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:00 am

I don't like playing with companions, but I've never had a high charisma before, it might just be a waste. I really want my agility and perception maxed out as much as possible and a high luck too. I can sacrifice strength, endurance, intelligence.

I love Lucky, but it's not worth raising my lockpick to 59 + mentats + cowboy tobacco chew + locksmith reader to get it......

Yeah so mainly small arms character, I figure my character will be 90% time using pistols, tomahawks, and chance's knife. The Professional perk should come in very handy. I always play very hard, but I've never done an entire character who wears only clothing so I think this will be very challenging for me and I have to be careful about my tactics.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:16 am

I like the set up and the character sounds interesting. Before i started another FO3 character, I was playing around with poisons and blades. Just dabbling with throwing weapons. I'll be watching your progress with this guy, if you post on him. I try to play / start with different char types, but always give into the temptation of the sniper. Good luck, my friend.
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Ellie English
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:52 am

I like the set up and the character sounds interesting. Before i started another FO3 character, I was playing around with poisons and blades. Just dabbling with throwing weapons. I'll be watching your progress with this guy, if you post on him. I try to play / start with different char types, but always give into the temptation of the sniper. Good luck, my friend.

Tomahawks with bleak poison is now my favorite melee weapon. ++++Ninja+++Cowboy+++perks

Thanks for the compliments on my character, he is loosely based on the character Sailer from the David Lynch movie Wild at Heart.
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