I need help on this. I'm at the Bunker Hill mission so I have to pick now, delayed it as long as I can. I have read up enough to find there is not a peaceful way out of it you have to destroy other factions. So I'm trying to do research and decide without finding all the plot twists in the game.. not a easy task. Already think I know a good chunk of the end game spoilers. So I will explain what I am looking for in my faction and what spoilers I know or might know and ask for advice.
***Spoilers I might know: ***
Father is your son: just that far in the story line
You have to destroy the other factions to finish the game.
Read one line that said Danse might be a synth but would rather keep that a mystery not 100% sure if it is true or not.
Heard Father is dying? again tried to avoid reading much on it. This might be important to me as one of the key reasons for joining the institute would be not hurting family for me.
Ok what are the perks for each faction?
What faction will the least amount of companions turn on you from? Is there any way to keep all the companions?
Is there any way to not destroy every faction except for minute men and the one you choose?
any faction story line considered less exciting or less evil? Noticed a dark vibe to each one so far
Thanks for the tips in advance