After about 5-6 days of playing it we've noticed some small bugs/glitches slowly progressing into really big problematic ones, to where the game is pretty much unplayable. My boyfriend has put hours and hours into the game and had to lose almost 100 hrs of game play on his save and had to throwback to a much older save, so he lost lots of progress.
1. Unplayable lagging during any combat
2. Pinpoints on maps and compass dupicate, along with the gun reload audio with any gun.
3. Gun reload audio gets abnormally loud with any gun
4. Unresponsive NPCS, some not allowing to finish quests.
5. Random crashes through 15 minutes of gameplay or less.
6. Strange vibrant pixelation on some buildings and pip-boy screen glitches.
And of course the list could go on and on until a solution comes around.
It's just a huge disappointment since I helped my boyfriend pay for the game cause our anniversary was around the time it came out.
So if this doesn't get fixed, what a gift, right?
We had high-hopes Bethesda, please give us and everyone else with the problems a purpose to enjoy and keep our game copies you were so confident about.