Title: Origin of the Mages Guild V7.3
Catagory = Quest Mod
Required = Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion V1.2
Required = The Shivering Isles
Required = Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack 1.4.8
Required = Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack Patch ALL to V2.5 or higher.
Website = http://www.theengineeringguild.co.uk/
About Origin of the Mages Guild
Important: This is a strict Lore Mod and is designed primarily for lore fans and the type of game they usually play, please be aware that the 4th Era features are still lore based but contain a degree of guess work due to the limited information available about the 4th era at the time of writing. Any player can play this mod, Audio speeches exist for all areas covered by this mod so you can use this mod to brush up on your game lore if you wish. More detailed information is found mainly in various lore books in the game. Any info not found in books is found in the game by talking to various NPCs, doing various quests, finding various notes in secret places. Also the addon Vile Lair provides some lore for this mod but that plugin is not required by this mod. I would recommend you get it if Vampire lore interests you. For lore purposes, consider Vile Lair to be a Black Marsh Clan Addon due to the sleeping NPC and it's location in the Black Marsh.
This mod allows you to Restore the Mages Guild back to its former glory after Travens years in power had brought it to the brink of ruin. The mod is based on the book "Origin of the Mages Guild" and it is the guild described in that book that you will be recreating in this mod. By completing various quests you will see the Guild slowly live again, with visitors, students and others coming and going as old areas are reopened, new staff hired and new research implimented for the good of all.
The mod will work right from the start of the game and if enabled when you create a new character will slowly reveal areas of the guild that got shut down as a result of Travens Policies. If enabled it after you become Archmage, access to most areas is granted but if you lack the right skills, some areas may remain off limits until you reach at least Apprentice in all schools of Magic. By the time you are Archmage, you will not only have a reason to study magic but you will know what you want to restore and when you finally have the power to do it. I present you with quests that allow you to do just that.
Before the end of the last quest you will have a fully function STRICT LORE Guild to be proud off and will have been introduced to several lore based topics via audio briefings available from various characters through out the mod.
The other thing you may stumble across is a few FREEPLAY quests that just happen when you stumble upon them. All come complete with extra Audio to explain game lore and all can be done by anybody, even players that never joined the Guild. One adds the Cyrodiil Vampire Clan back to Oblivion so they finally have a real presence in side the Imperial city as they should have and explains Vampiric Lore and the differences between various clans.
You will end up wishing some of the improvements where available to you when you did the recommendation quests but this hind sight and desire is perfectly ok, it shows you finally understand how far the guild had fallen before you came along and fixed it.
Expect to see lots of Necromancers, Ghosts, Zombies, Skeletons and Vampires are you progress through this mod, as well as the usual go here, do that type quests.
About Game Lore
During my research I found 75% of all Oblivion lore is outside of Books and desparately wanted to use all the game lore and not just the 25% found in the books that tell about previous games lore. I was keen on making a modern lore mod, one that understood what was happening TODAY in the Imperial city and rather than one that told about what happened 30 years ago in the Imperial city.
But lore fans could not agree on Modern Oblivion lore so I had to stick to OLD MORROWIND STYLE BOOK LORE for this mod.
2 areas I refused to give up on were Mannimarco GOD OF WORMS because it was clearly explained 3 separate places in Oblivion (that I found) and in Necromancers Moon, a book that any player doing the Mages Guild mod must have at least opened once to advance the quest. So this point is proven and all aguements about Daggerfall endings have been answered in Oblivion for those who care to look. There is infact a wealth of information on this, presented in Oblivion, enough to create an entire sub story behind the King of Worms story we all played in the quests. The Akatosh Jills, Dragons Break (Warp in the West) and the Numidium. Its scattered all over the play so you can have fun following the trail of clues I left in this mod for lore fans to follow.
The other is Daedric Summoning lore which only appears to have been debated when I brought it. I expected this to be old news, known to everybody but it appears not many had even thought about it. The Everscamp quest, Daedric summoning clues, rumours and notes and several books including "The Doors of Oblivion" as well as the Mages in those ruins called Conjurers that look like exciled Mages Guild members and Summon Daedra was considered by some lore fans to be areas Beth screwed up in. But after doing some research and after looking closely at the facts and talking to other lore fans, I found it all made sense.
Daedra are summoned inside Guildhalls like Chorrol and Bruma, but never outside by members of the guild. Members of the guild who try and help others who summoning daedra like in the Everscamp quest outside the guildhalls clearly feared being expelled from the guild. Were as those who did the summoning and were not mages only feared being branded a Daedra Worhshiper by others. The conjurers who look like Mages Guild members were clearly not members any more. To me this was an untold story, probably one Beth never finished and it was clear to me the Mages Guild had rules about this sort of thing being done in public and "The Doors of Oblivion" seemed to provide the rules they followed and the conditions where Daedra Summoning was considered acceptable, even if beth had not fully implimented it in Oblivion. The Imperial charter for Guild comes up in one book as allowing Daedra summoning within the Empire so the Mages Guild can continue to study Daedra. So it all fitted pretty neatly and was not a screwed up idea as some had suggested. At least I did not think it was screwed up.
Some very knowledgeable Lore fans help me Iron out the facts from the fiction and the version presented here is in line with the facts fans could not blow apart with counter arguements. I consider this to be strict lore even though its not explained in any single book. Facts for this are spread all over the game and thus some lore fans may or may not have seen all the clues. But now they have the chance to check my facts, its all presented here, theres even a library in the Daedric studies department to help them.
The thing I want players do here is question the daedra summoning rules within the Mages guild and look at the proof they see in the game and draw their own conclusions about it as I have. My own pet theories are much deeper than the ones presented here, the one you see above is very simple and easy to follow compared to my complicated version that I believe is true. But the version above still tells the same story minus the detail that may or may not be right. So enjoy and if you feel like talking over these points with me, just make a post in the forum and tell what you think.
BTW if you have no theory of your own or have nothing to add but just wish to rip in to other peoples work, then do not bother. I am interested only in talking to people with alternative theories they wish to share.
4th Era Lore
At the time of writing we know only a few basic details about the 4th Era lore surrounding the mages guild and those details are that the Mages Guild was disolved and replaced by the College of Whispers and Synod. Beyond that we are left in the dark. Since "disolved" sounds like a volentary act on the part of the mages guild and colleges are teach establishments and Synod means Council or Gathering. I have used a little common sense to fill on those blanks.
So whilst the 4th era stuff is based on lore, it is still mostly guess work. I doubt we will know the details until the Elder Scrolls 5 is released.
Extract the Archive directly in to your Oblivion folder and the files will all install in to the correct places. Also make sure you have CURP 1.4.8 (or 1.4.9) and the latest Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack Patch. Otherwise you may have problems. You can find links and information about the Patch and CURP on the Guild website.
If you're updating, say yes to any requests to overwrite files. Only "Origin of the Mages Guild's" own files will be overwritten.
Version 1
56 new NPCs at the last count, more now but I have not counted again
Restored positions at each Guild Hall that were previously missing
Restored positions at the Arcane University that were previously missing
Lots of NPCs added to handle odd jobs added in this version
New or expanded sleeping quarters at every Guild Hall
New Council Chamber that's big enough to actually hold a council meeting
New Council Sleeping Quarters and Lobby
New Knights of the Lamp Sleeping Quarters and Lobby
New Vault, Prison and ArchMage's Tomb
New Deep Vault for those dangerous relics
New Teleport room (Quest)
New Bruma Guild (Quest)
1 Required Quest to restore the Council
1 Required Quest to restore Bruma
1 Optional Quest to build a teleport system.
Change Log
Fixes several spelling mistakes
Moved the Knights of the Lamp into the Training Area to stop them from killing each other accidentally with staves
Created a Daedric Studies Department
Created an Ancient Studies Department
Added voice overs to explain some aspects of the game lore
Added Easter Egg for freeplay quest that expands on the game lore mentioned above
Added 1 new REQUIRED quest and 1 FreePlay Quest
Added commands to the Knights of the Lamp
Created a Conjurers Training Chamber.
Created an Ayleid device for purposes I'll not explain, figure it out yourself

Rebuilt the Upper Vault after the old one got deleted
Created a new Tomb Area to replace the one that got deleted
Created a new Prison Area to replace the one that got deleted
Tweaked the Teleporter Chamber so it's more authentic
Lots of additional Guild Life AI tweaks to make the Guild feel alive
Added several new greetings for key staff
Added several new NPCs
Made the Cupboard at the end of the ArchMage's bed "No Respawn" so you can use it
This version has clues to unscripted (Freeplay) Quests for you to follow.
New Quest for the Ring of Vanus
New Quest for the Robes of Vanus
New Quest for the Staff of Vanus
Mannimarco lore explained
Vanus lore explained
Vanus vs Mannimarco lore explained
The Numidium lore explained
New companion named Mary
Training feature for Mary to allow you to customise her skills to suit you (ONCE)
Each class you can train her in is unique with advantages and disadvantages
Customise Mary's Equipment via a chest that prevents exploitation of NPCs during quests (No Donkeys to carry everything here).
Full in game documentation explaining the training available
"Summon Mary Spell" to call her to you at any time
Orders that can be used to send Mary to any Guild Hall or the Arcane University (amongst other things)
Sneak order actually removes Armour so she can sneak quietly
Plans to expand Mary's abilities in a future version exist
Added the missing word in the Vanus Ring briefing
Added a letter by Paw-Prints-in-the-Mud to Bruma
Corrected various grammatical errors
Added Lost Spires Dwemer artifacts (thanks to LiquidGraph for those)
Released "as is" due to illness, some new features may not be listed here, my brains fried so I do not remember much right now. This is the version I have been using in my own game and its fine, no problems here at all.
Changed all the Master of Initiates to support an idea put forward by brucevayne regarding Morrowind and Skill Requirements.
New Class Rooms Added to the AU (No Teachers yet, see skill locks idea)
New Doors for the class rooms added so you can see what the class room teaches without entering it.
Started working on Skill Locks for doors that prevent unqualified people from accessing further eductation until they are at the required level.
Many Misc fixes and typos fixed.
Added Teachers to the Class Rooms to finish off the skill lock system.
Added Training up to Journeyman to the Teachers.
Added Spells up to Journeyman to the Teachers.
Added a large Freelplay Quest anybody can do without being a member of the Mages Guild.
The Freeplay quest is actually the biggest in the mod and starts the moment you find the first location, an easy clue isprovided for you to find in order to get started. This also version features the first Deeper Dungeons style adventure and a few old school dungeon tricks during the freeplay quest above. Arkays Mockery is a major part of the Deep Dungeons idea and the levels before that are an example of old school RPG levels. Feedback on these are more than welcome.
V5.0 RC1
Fixed tresspassing issue in the Temple of the Blood Matron.
Fixed the door in the magicka studies lobby that prevented low ranking players from leaving.
Added an Uninstall/Reset Quest
Improved the Council Meetings
Added the Idle Anims for some new NPCs, preying, drinking etc.
Added several new NPCs to the IC streets.
V5.0 Final
Fixed Tonys Note
Added Vampire Ash to the Cyrodiil Vampires
Restored the Archmages Lobby to it's original size for compatibility reasons.
Fixed the Scholars upper door spawn direction, now you appear looking at the stairs.
Fixed VicenteValtieri after it was accidently edited, solved the mystery of the extra vampire priest

Fixed the Councilors lobby door and the Knights of the Lamp door to stop NPC grouping around them.
V5.1 Final (Maintaince Release)
Removed Race Edits as per the advice of Wyre, this should allow beauty mods to work before or after OMG.
Fixed the missing invest quest so it now appears (thanks Dev).
Removed the fix for the respawning drawer at the bottom of Travens bed. This means any items in that drawer will be lost every 3 days again. Thank OOO for that, it rather stupidly made a cupboard everybody edits a quest item, and OOO breaks if OMG or any other mod fixes that buggy drawer. So to avoid issues, I have had to remove the fix for OOO users benefits. To say I am deeply pissed about having to do this is a massive understatement.
V6 (Now Requires the Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack)
Added additional lines to that infamous AC guard that things your the new guy all the time & updated various items to use CURP. Created a new Ice Witch Coven to test drive a new witches coven idea, this is a friendly witch, the rest will be hostile in later mods. Added a black cat, new curses (spells), new witches potions and various other things to build up the witches as a faction in the game. Replaced the Drawer in the Archmages quarters (that was marked respawn) with one that does not respawn to stop the player losing his stuff every 3 days. 33 other cells use that drawer so it cannot be edited, it has to be replaced to maintain compatibility with mods. This is the safest way to fix the problem but its not important that OMG be the mod that mages this fix, all that is important is that some mod out there fixes it. Run your refered fix AFTER OMG and everything will be fine.
V6.1 (FAKE RELEASE, not one of mine)
Origin of the Mages Guild 6.1 was a Fake version somebody uploaded without permission to filefront with my permission. If you look closely you will see the stupid idiot included the Elder Council Readme with it not the Origin of the Mages Guild one. If you where stupid enough to use that version then I wish you the best of luck with the mess it made of your saved game. I did not authorise this release nor do I support it and nor will I fix the damage it caused. Your own your own. Go and ask the guy that uploaded it for help, if you can find him.
V6.2 (Lore extracts replaced with full Audio Books)
I have replaced "nearly" all the lore extracts from previous versions of Origin of the mages guild with FULL Audio Book versions (Spoken Topics basically) and full subtitle support. Audio versions of the following books are now included in OMG. The Last King of the Ayleids, Magic from the Sky and Opusculus Lamae Bal, Origin of the Mages Guild. Also extended Audio extracts of Lore covering The Numidium, Psijics "Dreaming Cave" and Daedric Summoning as well as a new Lore Master NPC who can be found in the Mystic Archives.
Added lipsync files by Purple Gandalf.
Found and deleted the duplicate entry responsible a silent greeting message thats been in this mod since 2008..better late than never

Found and deleted the OMG drunk idle which was conflicting with the default drunk idle and making the mugs disappear, another very old bug thats been hard to find now fixed

V6.5 (CURP Controller required from this version onwards).
Removed Ren and Soyas Hair from OMG
Started using the CURP Controller hair.
OMG also updates the following CURP Controller vars to keep it informed of the players progress in the mod.
Nobility Points are added to the Curp controller for the above quests, if TEC is installed, it will use these points to promote the player up the Imperial ranks.
V7.0 (Major Update: 4th Era, TEC 2.4 optional requirement)
Disolved the mages guild at the start of the 4th Era
Added some new quests to handle various changes.
Several new robes
Several new banners other stuff.
New Synod and College of Whispers Factions.
New chartered necromancer guild faction.
New chartered conjuration guild faction.
Massive changes to the Arcane University grounds.
Lots of new locations to support the change to the 4th era.
Lots of new AIs and AI routines.
Additional support for Legion Battlemages added.
And lot of other stuff I cannot recall right now.
The CURP Controller faction CUOImperialBattlemageSupplyFaction faction is now used to determine who sells battlemage uniform parts. This means any NPC that other mods add the CUOImperialBattlemageSupplyFaction faction too, can now automatically sell battlemage uniforms too IF OMG7.1 or higher is installed. IF OMG7 is not installed, no new dialog options will appear in the other mods.
Fixed the banner issue in the archmages tower.
Added the missing audio for the Dwemer quests, it was left out to test who was playing the mod and who was pretending to play the mod and making fake reports. It has served its purpose now.
Lore references
See the included ArchmageTravenStory.txt file (lots of default mages guild plot spoilers) that I have added to this mod. It is a draft version of my research in story form that you can read and see how all the lore references fitted together to make the Mages' Guild Story in Beths original Quests. I have not used too much detail and leave it up to you to check my facts yourself if you have doubts. Enough info exists for you to do that. I think it will be an eye opener for some of you to say the least.
Starting in 6.2, full audio book (Quest Topics) versions of some sources of lore have been included in this mod as standard.
In OMG 7.0 references to the mages guild getting disolved in the 4th era in the infernal city book are used to make sweeping changes to the guide.
Imperial Library and Game Lore.
When I started studying the game lore I first learnt about a website called the Imperial Library. I have since asked many questions and received lots of help from that website and the users on it. Unlike fans elsewhere, these people care enough about the game lore to write articles about it and talk about it with each other. That means they take it seriously and if they do not know something, the chances are nobody does. They have gone a long way towards making me into a Game Lore Fan, whilst I am perhaps not their type of fan yet, I have a much deeper appreciation of the game's lore than I did have because of them.
So if this mod catches your interest and you want to learn more about game lore, visit the website below.
URL = http://www.imperial-library.info
Some "Origin of the Mages Guild" Mod Lore References
Not all references are found in books and not all books tell the whole story, some info must be heard in the game whilst doing the Mages' Quests or hanging about the Mages' Guild branches or University during or after doing each quest. So this is not complete, but it is a great starting point for those who want to "study up" and check my facts.
The Mages' Guild
Origin of the Mages Guild
Imperial Charter of the Guild of Mages
The Black Arts On Trial
Galerion The Mystic
Infernal City Book (4th era stuff)
Manifesto Cyrodiil Vampyrum
Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie
A brief account of Lamae Bal and the Restless Death (Vile Lair Book)
Necromancer's Moon
(One of 3 pieces of evidence proving there is a God of Worms).
About Jills of Akatosh and the Dragons Break (Warp in the west) concerning Mannimarco.
I should add many obscure references exist to expand on this that I have not included here.
Heres extract from the book above that determined which Daggerfall Ending is true in Oblivion and why I adopted this ending.
During the Warp of the West, Mannimarco mysteriously gained the Mantella, a powerful soul gem that fueled the Numidium. With its power Mannimarco ascended to Aetherius and became the God of Worms. Later on, some scholars and Akatosh' priests claimed that the Jills of Akatosh mended the results of the time break (Dragon Break) in the Warp of the West. It was believed that Mannimarco was split in two. He transported back to Tamriel as a mortal, continuing his previous role as the King of Worms, but yet the God of Worms still exists in Aetherius.
Those books are where the lore for this mod came from, other sources exist, too many to name but I started there and it lead me to the other sources so anybody keen on checking my facts needs only start with those books.
Known Issues and Solutions
Magic mods.
This mod makes no changes to spells or spell/enchantment altars. I felt that those areas are the domain of Spell/Enchant mods like Midsa Magic and others, and felt the player may like to choose which spell mod to use with Origin of the Mages Guild. So all Spell mods should be compatible with this mod. All they have to do is place their own merchant in any room in the Arcane University (other than the Archmages Tower which is modified heavily) and their spells and NPCs will blend in with this mod perfectly. I suggest avoiding editing any NPCs from the Mages Guild to be sure of avoiding issues with Origin of the Mages Guild. From OMG 7 onwards the Arcane university worldspace is heavily edited but mida magic is still supported. Other AU editing mods may not be.
Compatibility information
No Mages' Guild Quests have been edited for this mod. So any mod that edits them will still work with this mod.
NPC's Julienne Fanis and Raminus Polus are both used by this mod and should not be over ridden by other mods. Other NPCs can safely be overridden but it should be noted the original Danel and Skaleen are disabled by this mod and enabled again by the uninstall quest from Mr fix It at the AU. Also the Archage Mages Tower is changed considerably by this mod but other areas have very few changes. Most new stuff was put in new areas for compatibility reasons.
Credits & Thanks
Thanks to Ren and Soya for the Hair
All the fans who let me add their books to the scholars Library in this mod, they are credited in the books they wrote.
The Imperial Library Website where most of my research was conducted.
All the people on the Imperial Library Website for being so helpful
All the guys on my Website, too many to mention here at this time.
Coldone for trying to help, sorry it did work out mate
Paw-Prints-in-the-Mud for additional character building via submitted written material.
Talkie Toastier for explaining how to change companion's inventory
Liquidgraph for allowing me to use the Dwemer Centurions from his excellent Lost Spires Mod
Ismelda Lasombra
Purple Gandalf for the lip sync files
Spelling and Gramma
Misnomer for helping spell/grammar check the mod.
Voice Actors
Ibsen's Ghost for some dam good voice work.
Giskard (me), I make Ibsen sound even better because my voice is crap
Tess (the Wife)
Licence agreement
The ESPs and ESMs may not be edited without my permission but everything else can be considered a modders resource and may be used in other mods freely. A little credit would be nice, a thank you perhaps, nothing more.