On one of my profiles my 3rd person view and my wait button do not work. I already checked to see if they got changed but everything is at it's default. I'm only having trouble after I kill house and get yes man to replace him and after I finish the two quests I need done for yes man I save and go to the dam for fun (my wait and my 3rd person view buttons didn't work during the dam part) then after I beat the game I open up my save in the lucky 38 and my buttons don't work. Then I tried the buttons out on different games and they worked fine then I tried it on different profiles on Fallout NV and they worked fine again then I opened up a much earlier save of the profile I'm having trouble with and the buttons work fine. If you can help please do any help will be appreciated. If opening up my earlier save can be avoided I want it to because I was level 32 when I saved that and I'm level 37 now and there's at least 10 or more hours between those saves that got me to that level. Thanks - Mr Deathbot