Help please, new to boards

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:38 pm

Hello all. I am new to these kind of boards. So please bear with me. I can not figure out where to report and get the fixes (if available) to bugs I am having on my PC version of the game. I love the game!! The issues I have found so far that really concern me are: activating, removing items: In the Breezehouse I can not place any article in them. I get the search command and can only remove its, same with bookshelves. I also can not figure out how to recharge magical items.
Please help. Thank you.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:21 am

Many issues with the game can be fixed/bypassed with console commands since you're playing on the PC version. Recharging enchanted weapons require you to have a filled soul gem in your inventory, these can be bought from court mages.

I've no idea what you mean by not being able to place any articles or I guess items into your new home in Whiterun. Placing items into your home is as simple as dropping them and placing them where you want or putting them in containers.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:25 am

To recharge weapons I select it in the inventory and press T (this is on the PC) - as the previous poster said, you have to have a filled soul gem available.

To put weapons in weapon racks, have the weapon you want to place equipped and press enter over the empty rack slot - well works for me.

To put items in your own chest, open it like any other chest and go to the section for the stuff you're carrying. Bookshelves work similarly irc.
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