Help please! I just started playing Oblivion again with Shivering Isles, Knights of the Nine and all extra plugins. I also have installed FCOM with a couple extra mods. I know that’s a lot of stuff going on but 2 years ago on the same computer everything ran so smooth. My resolution is only set at 1360 x 768 with no AA. The game runs fine until I get into combat then it gets so jaggy and slow. Any advice would be so appreciated. I have installed the Streamline mod, Coolbits forceware, and made many changes from the Oblivion Tweak Guide with no real luck.
Below are links to my load order and details on my computer. I know this is a lot of info to look at but I would be so appreciative of anyone who could help me.
Thanks in advance!!!
I have a Duel Core 6600 @ 2.40GHz, 4 Gigs of Ram, 300 gig HD, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX Graphics Card w/ 768 MB RAM, Windows XP Service Pack 3 and I have updated my drivers