Hey guys my shield is bugged and now it makes my play-style extremely difficult to play( I'm also on master) and against dragons I can't stun them, which means I cannot stun their fire/frost attacks. Any help? thanks!!!
Never heard of this problem before. Are you positively certain you have enough stamina to perform a shield bash when it's not working for you ? Especially when against frost dragons.
Never heard of this problem before. Are you positively certain you have enough stamina to perform a shield bash when it's not working for you ? Especially when against frost dragons.
Yeah it doesnt use any stamina at all, considering its counting as a 1-handed attack. I even leveled up 1-handed attempting to bash, its a plus but a huge drawback, dont know what to do. :sadvaultboy:
Shield bashing actually does consume a little bit of stamina no matter what. I'm also locked out of shield bashing when I have 0 stamina yet I have 100 block skill and all of the blocking perks aside from the slow time one. Is there nothing more you can provide us with about this ? Like if you are not in combat with full stamina and you attempt a shield bash, does your character perform one or not ?
Yes, I think you misunderstood me. I know shield bashing requires stamina but my game is bugged so when I hold LT and press RT to bash it attacks. And this attack counts as a one handed attack an gets me XP for it.
Hmm. Is it for any other armor or weapons, like if you just ran out and bought an iron shield and dagger? Also, try mixing it up with magic and unarmed, as well as switching hands. No idea what could cause this.