Help support Disabled gamers

Post » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:33 am

A comedian/gamer called Askacapper, who is disabled plays MW2 using his face to move the anologue sticks.He cannot reach the button required for aiming down his sights, nor can he turn while moving forward.This man reminds me of another gamer called Nomad who seems to have the same problem.

His channel is very entertaining.

His contains a petition to have future console games allow button mapping.

The petition can be signed directly from

I am number 6075, so its going pretty well so far.The issue some people have though, is that allowing people to re map buttons on console will be met with exploitation and abuse.I dont think it would make a huge difference.Does anyone have an opinion on all this?
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:48 am

I watched a podcast with a man with similar circumstances to this, except he had very limited use of his hands. It's amazing that people with these impairments still find ways of playing, and occasionally doing quite well as well. It's truly inspiring that they battle through it, and don't let the disabilities stop them.
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Post » Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:43 am

Whilst a worthwhile and just request we do not allow the posting of petitions either here or based elsewhere.

I am leaving the links open here and if someone wants to discuss remapping controls in general then that is fine in another topic.
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Chantelle Walker
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