» Tue May 17, 2011 3:03 am
Consider the fact that this is in fact from one of my old WoW characters that I used to RP on nearly all of the time I played her until I quit in December, is this the sort of RP depth that you wish to go into with your character? If you are also still stuck for a surname then I would also suggest at looking at Greek villages/towns till you find something that you like. I try to use the same character or as few as possible over all the stuff that I RP at Clubs/Forums/Sims/Games.
Some of the names that I have used have been:
Falan Lipo
Euisa Cherni
Sabarel Tatheth
Revixia Breai
Duao Huay
'Text taken from Sabarel Tatheth, High Priest of Teldrassil'
'Sabarel awoke with a start. Her dreams had once again been filled with nothing else but citizens of many races suffering with great pain. She had seen the current war to the north against the Lich King and his deadly minions. She had begged to travel with the host Tyrande had sent to help bolster the Alliance. Climbing from her bed she swung her hair out of her eyes, her long white hair settling back as it normally did into a simple collection over her shoulders. Her facial features where akin to her entire race with only one exception, the facial markings that she had been born with many years ago. People thought that this was in fact a sign as to the power that she had within.
She had joined her fellow priestess of Elune a few years before she should of joined. Many of the high priestess with which now she studied from and prayed with on a daily basis had seen within her at that young age the power that Elune had already instilled upon her. Her time within Elune's grace had already taken her to many temples. She had only but a few days before come to the grand temple of the moon in Darnassus. It had not been an easy choice on her own behalf to leave her home town of Astarnaar but it had been a choice she was willing to undertake in order to advance herself through the order.
A knock came from the door.
"Mistress Sabarel are you awake?" The voice from behind the door called out. She recognised the voice straight away. It was the calming voice of one of her closest friends at the temple. Ranyea.
Climbing from the bed and opening the simple door into her room Sabarel noticed a younger female with her friend. Her shorter hair a deep rich purple that would of feel to her shoulders if it wasn't tied back into a tight pony tail behind her head. "My dear Ranyea, I am awake and ask why you come even at this hour of the night." Sabarel replied as she invited her friend and her companion into her simple room.
Sitting down upon a chair at a clear wooden table Ranyea turned to her friend. "I have been sent a message from some old friends in Astarnaar. They ask that between the two of us that we look after their daughter as best we can." Ranyea told her childhood friend. They had grown up in Astarnaar and it was not the first time that a message such as this had been sent to them. There parents had both been from noble lines that had lived in Zin-Azahara until the first war with the Burning Legion.
Closing the door behind the two she turned to the young Night Elf now stood in front of her. She had traveled for a number of days and the journey had been rough at times she could see from the dirt and grim upon her clothes. "I am Sabarel Tetheth, Senior Priestess at this Temple and ask of you your name?" She asked the her.
The young purple haired female stood up straight, knowing full well that the two other women in the room would help her with the troubles that were coming to her now. She had been sent far from home by her parents and was unsure of when she would see them again. They had told her she was gifted but she wasn't quite sure what they meant. She had as much power with the arcane as her fellow brothers and sisters, although she had noticed that she sometimes heard things that others did not. They where there even now, and she was sure that the two priestess in the room with her now could not even her the whisperings.
"My name is Skaui Shadowstorm" She told the priestess who had just said her name was Sabarel.'