Help the Crysis 2 Summer Tournemet!

Post » Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:13 pm

I will be hosting a Crysis 2 Summer Tournement at
But before I do I need the Crysis community's help in choosing key factors of the tournament.

I have decided to host the tournament on pc, because it seems that is where most people are still playing Crysis 2. If I'm wrong please correct me and I will change the platform. But here is the thing I have barely played Crysis 2 on pc (Xbox Guy).
So should there be specific rules for playing Crysis 2 on PC (MODs I should know about). Also what is the best way to communicate/chat to other players.

Are there any maps that you would like to play on?

Just post below any useful information.
I hope to have all the detail on the tournament post soon on this page.

Ps. If you are Xbox or PS3 gamer and you want to join in on this tournemet, you can purchase Crysis 2 for 19.99 right now from steam, it's on sale. Also you can config your computer/laptop to use a wired controller to play Crysis 2 with it.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:09 am

This is a really big topic to discuss as there are many facets to consider. I suggest finding a good PC player to right out a rule set for you, or take inspiration from the current JSD tournament or tournaments past like the eFPS one.

I would also recommend waiting to start this tournament until the current one is finished.
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