i cant find any armor making tutorials either!!! ROAR. it might be help if i can find one of them to so i can understand what a biped object is
Are you using Blender or 3dsmax? I don't know of any armor making tutorials for Blender, but here are a few for 3dsmax:
All these tutorials explain how to create body parts that are rigged to the biped model, ie that bend and animate, using 3dsmax and the physique modifier. Now if you are not using 3dsmax 3, 4 or 5, you can't use the official nif exporter released by bethesda, which means you can't use the physique modifier since that's the only exporter that supports it (as far as I know). If you use 3dsmax 6 or more recent versions, you'll want to use the skin modifier instead, that the niftools nif exporter can work with. 3dsmax5 is the best because it can use both the official and the niftools exporters, which means you get to choose what modifier you'd like to use.
i just really need to figure out what a the skeleton thats on morrowind armor nifs is and remake it for oblivion armor nifs (as far as i know i might be wrong)
If you are using Blender then I don't think there are tutorials designed specifically for what you want to do, but reading the tutorials for 3dsmax wil give you an understanding of how armors nifs work in morrowind. Basically you have to keep in mind that there is a naming convention that is important to follow and you have to link your body parts to Bip01. Also be careful with pivots.
Hope this helps!