Help understanding stack dumps

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:36 am

I've had three different users of my mods report CTDs when they approach Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. Now, this is out of thousands of users, so I'm not sure if it's a rare bug with my mods, a compatibility issue with another mod, or just some sort of system strain. But one user sent me his Papyrus log, and it shows a long series of stack dumps--that is, a message of "Suspended stack count is over our warning threshold, dumping stacks" and then a series of "Dumping stack NNNNNNNN:" messages all within the same second. Many are from my mods, a few are from other mods. What I'm trying to figure out is what they mean.

For example, is the order they appear important? The first few lines that begin the dump in the log file I was sent are:


[08/16/2013 - 12:27:31AM] VM is freezing...[08/16/2013 - 12:27:31AM] VM is frozen[08/16/2013 - 12:27:31AM] Saving game...[08/16/2013 - 12:27:32AM] VM is thawing...[08/16/2013 - 12:27:47AM] VM is freezing...[08/16/2013 - 12:27:47AM] VM is frozen[08/16/2013 - 12:27:48AM] Saving game...[08/16/2013 - 12:27:48AM] VM is thawing...[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Suspended stack count is over our warning threshold, dumping stacks:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] VM is freezing...[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] VM is frozen[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 20203336:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[ESFAelaCompatSkyUI (B814ABDC)].ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript.OnConfigManagerReady() - (requested call)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[param 0]: "SKICP_configManagerReady"[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[param 1]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[param 2]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[param 3]: [SKI_QF_ConfigManagerInstance ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 20203862:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias Player on quest ESFAelaCoreDialogue (B80012C5)].ESFAelaCorePlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - (requested call)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 20594207:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias Player on quest ESFAelaCoreDialogue (B80012C5)].ESFAelaCorePlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - (requested call)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 20683215:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias Player on quest ESFAelaCoreDialogue (B80012C5)].ESFAelaCorePlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - (requested call)

Does this mean that the problem is my ESFAela mod? Or SkyUI? Or is something unknown blocking SkyUI? Or are there just somehow too many OnPlayerLoadGame events being fired by different mods?

If I scroll down a few hundred lines of similar errors, the stack dump ends with:


[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23019342:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias PlayerAlias on quest ESFAelaCompatSkyUI (B814ABDC)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 73	Instruction: 2	Line: 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23474484:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 3 (Page count: 2)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: -1224552623[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 366	Instruction: 13[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp64]: 128[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp65]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[i]: 23[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp66]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp67]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp68]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp69]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp70]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 82[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 1788	Instruction: 17	Line: 82[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp2]: "Journal Menu"[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp3]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias PlayerREF on quest SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 73	Instruction: 2	Line: 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: [SKI_QF_ConfigManagerInstance ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: [SKI_ConfigManager ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23474458:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias PlayerAlias on quest ESFAelaCompatSkyUI (B814ABDC)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 73	Instruction: 2	Line: 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 20683231:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias PlayerAlias on quest ESFAelaCompatSkyUI (B814ABDC)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 73	Instruction: 2	Line: 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 21313147:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias PlayerAlias on quest ESFAelaCompatSkyUI (B814ABDC)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 73	Instruction: 2	Line: 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 20683257:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 3 (Page count: 2)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: -1224552623[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 366	Instruction: 13[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp64]: 128[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp65]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[i]: 23[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp66]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp67]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp68]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp69]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp70]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 82[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 1788	Instruction: 17	Line: 82[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp2]: "Journal Menu"[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp3]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias PlayerREF on quest SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 73	Instruction: 2	Line: 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: [SKI_QF_ConfigManagerInstance ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: [SKI_ConfigManager ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23663942:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Running (Freeze state: Frozen)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: [Alias ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[MT_Quest_NPCFramework (9B0D0302)].mt_quest_npcframeworkscript.OnUpdate() - "MT_Quest_NPCFrameworkScript.psc" Line 244[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 2714	Instruction: 84	Line: 244[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: 14.401829[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp2]: 108[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp3]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp6]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[cfIndex]: 0[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp4]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp5]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[WhileIndex]: 90[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp7]: [mt_quest_npcframeworkscript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp8]: [Alias ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp9]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[TargetAlias01]: [ReferenceAlias ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[WhileIndex2]: 60[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[TargetAlias02]: [ReferenceAlias ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[WhileIndex3]: 30[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[TargetAlias03]: [ReferenceAlias ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[WhileIndex4]: 108[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[TargetAlias04]: [ReferenceAlias ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 22864399:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[alias PlayerAlias on quest ESFAelaCompatSkyUI (B814ABDC)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 73	Instruction: 2	Line: 6[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp0]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp1]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 22733557:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: -1224552623[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 366	Instruction: 13[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp64]: 128[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp65]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[i]: 23[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp66]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp67]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp68]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp69]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp70]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 95[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 23	Instruction: 1	Line: 95[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp4]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp5]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp6]: 0[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp7]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23664999:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[Active effect 1 on  (0001A693)].zBFSEffectsScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "zBFSEffectsScript.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 12753	Instruction: 416[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (855120C4)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp11]: 1.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp12]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp13]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp14]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp15]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp16]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp21]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp17]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp18]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp19]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp20]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp22]: [MagicEffect < (855120C4)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 21822196:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: -1224552623[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 366	Instruction: 13[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp64]: 128[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp65]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[i]: 23[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp66]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp67]: [ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp68]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp69]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp70]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (3D000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 95[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 23	Instruction: 1	Line: 95[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp4]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp5]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp6]: 0[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp7]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23665000:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[Active effect 1 on  (0001A6A3)].zBFSEffectsScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "zBFSEffectsScript.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 12753	Instruction: 416[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (855120C4)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp11]: 1.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp12]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp13]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp14]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp15]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp16]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp21]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp17]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp18]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp19]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp20]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp22]: [MagicEffect < (855120C4)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23664948:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Running (Freeze state: Frozen)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: 12[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[vamMainQST (3A000800)].vamMainSCT.OnUpdate() - "vamMainSCT.psc" Line 690[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 5546	Instruction: 169	Line: 690[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp89]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp90]: 12[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp91]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp92]: "On Character Level Up"[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[index]: 11[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[delay]: -1.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp93]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp94]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp95]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp96]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[ParentInterior]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp97]: [Cell ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp98]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[parentCell]: [Cell ][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp99]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[ParentWorld]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp100]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::mangled_parentcell_0]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp101]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp102]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[dX]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[dY]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[dZ]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[DistanceSquare]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[Distance]: 0.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp103]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[ParentLocation]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[ParentLocationName]: ""[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp104]: 12[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23664991:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[Active effect 1 on  (0001A6DA)].zBFSEffectsScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "zBFSEffectsScript.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 12753	Instruction: 416[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (71000D97)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp11]: 1.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp12]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp13]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp14]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp15]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp16]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp21]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp17]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp18]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp19]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp20]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp22]: [MagicEffect < (71000D97)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23664997:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[Active effect 1 on  (0001A6D8)].zBFSEffectsScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "zBFSEffectsScript.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 12753	Instruction: 416[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (855120C4)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp11]: 1.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp12]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp13]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp14]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp15]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp16]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp21]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp17]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp18]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp19]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp20]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp22]: [MagicEffect < (855120C4)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] Dumping stack 23664989:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	State: Running (Freeze state: Frozen)[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Type: Normal[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Return register: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Has stack callback: No[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 	Stack trace:[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 		[Active effect 1 on  (0001A6DC)].zBFSEffectsScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "zBFSEffectsScript.psc" Line ?[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			IP: 12825	Instruction: 417[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (71000D97)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::NoneVar]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp11]: 1.000000[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp12]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp13]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp14]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp15]: False[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp16]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp21]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp17]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp18]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp19]: None[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp20]: True[08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] 			[::temp22]: [MagicEffect < (71000D97)>][08/16/2013 - 12:27:57AM] VM is thawing...

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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:48 am

Order is not important, and it's pretty much impossible to tell what's wrong from just snippets of the log. You usually want to take a look and see what scripts and what events are the most common, because they are most likely what's at fault. Usually because they're either firing too fast (OnUpdate, OnHit, or OnMagicEffectApply being common offenders) or the event simply isn't finishing.

It is certainly worrying that there are several OnPlayerLoadGame events running at the same time since the event only fires once every time a save game is loaded and that is not something a user will do often (certainly not in a way that would pile up). The ones you listed are all in the same two scripts, so you should check those scripts and see if something is causing them to be stuck. Considering SkyUI is used by a lot of people with (reportedly) few issues, I would start with your own mod. Especially because every time SkyUI shows up in the log, it is doing something with your mod (ESFAelaCompatSkyUIScript specifically).
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