Help Understanding the price equation

Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:24 pm

Hi. I'm trying to understand how the engine generates the price of potions.

I realize it is explained here - but I need some help understanding the terms.

The gold cost of a potion is calculated from:

Gold_cost = floor( Base_Cost * (Magnitude^1.1) * 0.0794328 * (Duration^1.1) )

If the magnitude or duration is zero, the corresponding term is dropped from the equation, i.e.:

Gold_cost (When Magnitude = 0) = floor( Base_Cost * 0.0794328 * (Duration^1.1) )
Gold_cost (When Duration = 0) = floor( Base_Cost * (Magnitude^1.1) )

OK, What does "floor" mean?

Base Cost for duration looks like a value for each 10 seconds of duration. Is this correct?

Is base cost evaluated for each point ( 1 point ) of magnitude?

What does the ^ symbol mean in Magnitude^1.1 ?

Related: Why does Damage Health have a duration of 1 for all alchemy ingredients while damage stamina and damage magicka both have a duration of 0. This is affecting the cost, right?

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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:34 pm

"Floor" is a function that rounds a whole number down to its previous (lower) integer value. Example: floor(1.6) would return a value of 1.

The " ^ " symbol is an exponent - "Magnitude^1.1" would be the value of Magnitude raised to the 1.1 power.

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