What is happening:
Every time i go to start sprinting it almost feels like the game is hitching or loading and freezing and then picking back up again. Its hard to explain my problem but i'm doing the best i can and i would like help on how to make the game run a lot smoother. It doesn't change if i set all of my settings to low and take all the options off like anti aliasing and ambient occlusion or whatever its called.
I have the console open so any commands that might help me i am willing to try.
Heres a list of commands that i already put it and it helped a little but the gameplay is still hitching or glitching when i move around the map and its [censored] me up because it happens in firefights when im trying to help others in the team etc..
ui_fov 70(default) i put mine to 90
r_shadows 0
anything else would be greatly appreciated or maybe something i need to do with my graphics card because im pissed right now i spent $50 on this game.