Hi everyone
First off all - yep my english svck; u will notice that very soon are maybe u allready did.
This friday i will buy my very first gaming pc. I'm sick of the consoles.
My experience with consoles are; lag, freezes and that on all my favorite games like Fallout, battlefield bc1, elder scroll games, etc.
Some people say that old gen players d'ont buy new gen consoles because they c'ant pay for it. Well i refuse to pay for a ps4 because i d'ont like to pay to play online.
Yeah i know it is only 50 euro for a year but i simply refuse to pay that. I am also sure the ps4 will have the same isseus that the ps3 had when newer games will be released.
So my question is, what are the best gaming pc's? what are the best components to make ur own pc?
What are good brands? acer?
The money i will spend for it is 3000 euro.
But it must be a pc that play all existing games on highest graphics whitout any problems. (also being able to mod on skyrim and fallout games)
So if u guys can give me any hints and share ur experience about game pc's with me; it would be very helpfull. good and bad brands,components,etc...
Off topic - why posting this on a game forum. I know bethesda games , they are huge and attractive to hardcoe skilled players that also want to have the best gaming experience
they can have.