A first issue! First of many to come, I hope. This is a daunting project for me to undertake. I have no experience as a journalist; no degrees that give me the “right” to write. I have no experience as a modder, other than making a few skins here and there over my many years of playing games. So what makes me think that I can publish a digital magazine? My love for the Elder Scrolls and the community that has grown around this astounding series of games is all I have to fuel me. I have been playing Bethesda’s games since Daggerfall, which came out when I was already a seasoned pen and paper, and CRPG player. When I first loaded up Daggerfall, I was in love. It is a love that has lasted to this day. With the evolution of the internet and the modding community, the Elder Scrolls games have become not just the 40+ hour epics Bethesda designed, but a perpetually expanding world brought to life by our fellow gamers. I have the same hopes for Beyond Oblivion. I look toward my fellow gamers for help to make this magazine a repository for all things Elder Scrolls. Look forward to Hints and Tips, Interviews, Lore, Fan Art and Fiction, Mod Reviews and Previews, and so much more. This is only the ground level, my friends, and together we can use this magazine as a tool to help further our shared love of a series of games. So sit back, enjoy the ride, and please if you feel like you want to add to this experience by sharing your own talents, e-mail me.
What I'm looking for mainly is a few good writers; people who would be interested in contributing articles. These contributions could be on a monthly basis, or a more freelance basis if it suits you. Most of the sections that I currently envision including in the magazine are listed above in the quotation, and could use help with any of those. I am also always on the lookout for artists to feature within the magazine, even for the cover. As it is a digital magazine, we will be able to feature multi-media as well, so down the road we will have need of perhaps video editors and the like.
For me, this is mostly a matter of time management. There just aren't enough hours in my busy day to be able to tackle something like this on my own. I truly believe though that a digital magazine in the vein of a GameInformer or EGM dedicated to the vast universe of the Elder Scrolls could get alot of readership. It can be easy for things to get quickly lost in forums, but a magazine page lasts forever, especially on the internet. If you think this is something you would like to be apart of, please email me at beyondoblivionmag@gmail.com . Or if you just have general questions, please feel free to ask them in this post, and I will answer to the best of my ability.
Thank you for your time. (C: