Imperial Furniture allows the player to purchase the cupboard with glass doors that Umbacano uses to store the Ayleid Statues. However, it has an odd bug. When the player opens the doors, they appear to open, but the collision mesh doesn't move with the doors. This is easily reproducable if you run Oblivion without OBSE (Imperial Furniture doesn't require OBSE). Interestingly enough, this doesn't happen if you run the game with OBSE. However the script on the cupboard doesn't do anything except call activate when the player selects Open from the menu. If you save the game when the doors are open and then reload, it works fine. Players have also discovered if you disable and then re-enable the cupboard, the problem is fixed. I know you have to do this if you scale an object, but there's no scaling involved here.
Also, the display cases work fine. They have a similar collision mesh, but they don't have this problem. The script on the display cases is the same as the one on the cupboard, so I don't believe it's a scripting issue. Besides, as I said, all the script does is call activate when the player selects Open or Close from the menu.
The mesh is just the standard NIF from the base game (clutter\upperclass\umbecanodisplaycase01.nif). I see some differences between the animation nodes in this mesh versus the nodes in the display case mesh, but I think the display cases have more pieces that are animated (the latch is animated for one thing). Does anybody have any idea what might be causing this? I don't know much about the animation nodes, so I'm not sure what to look for.