Hey guys/gals,
I am probably (hopefully) doing something stupid but I cannot for the life of me get a couple armor mods to appear on Lydia and in fact they actually make her body parts disappear entirely!
The mods I am wanting to use are the LC Elite Archer found at: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22870//?
And the Medusa armor found at: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31229//?
The strange thing is that the Elite Archer gloves, boots, and mask appear fine but the torso does not. As for the Medusa I have only made the gloves and boots but they are both doing the same thing. If I equip them on my male character they show up as the dwarven which is how it is supposed to work being that Medusa is a female only so I don't think they are missing any textures or anything. I had CBBE installed but then I replaced it with the vanilla meshes but that didn't fix it so I'm at a bit of a loss. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I don't create any mods, but I did download GIMP, Blender, Nifskope to poke around at the files so if something can be tweaked within the mods themselves I'm not opposed to trying it, but I would need some guidance.
Thanks in advance!