I have tried multiple times to enter into the bunker to start Dead Money. After reading some of the horror stories of what some 360 players are going through ( such as deleting their patch and cache only to have their perks retroactively deleted across all their saves), I have decided not to delete the updates and my cache because I feel that I shouldn't have to. First of all, after paying $60 + for this game, I feel that I am entitled as a consumer to enjoy this product in it's entirety. That means that I should be able to spend countless hours (which i have) leveling my character and conquering the mojave with minimal problems that can be fixed with a patch. I realize that you have relased a game of the year edition with all of the dlc, but for those of us who bought the game and the dlc as it came out, whatever fixes you may have done to include in the game of the year edition would theoretically be available to those willing to unnecessarily pay more money for the exact same product they purchased initially. So my request is that you please patch Fallout New Vegas so that others like myself can start and enjoy dead money (which I'm told is a great dlc).
Thank You Very Much for such a wonderful experience in the Mojave!