Help me with enchanting my armour ... please

Post » Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:59 pm

I just got my enchanting skill to 100 with the double enchantment perk and am wondering whats the best (in your opinion) enchantments to use on my armour. I usually go with a fortify health and healing rate on the armour, archery and one-handed on the gauntlets, resist elements on the boots, and then a combination of fortify magicka/resist magicka and faster recharge rate on magicka on my circlet, ring and necklace.

The reason I'm asking for help is two-fold:

1) I'd kind of like to try something different, and don't want to waste a bunch of time, gear and souls experimenting different combinations and

2) Although my character is a heavy armour wearing, sword weilding battlemage, he's the most magic heavy character I've built in the game to date. I'm not sure if its better to fortify magic or use the fortify destruction/restoration/alteration (the three schools I've focused on) + magicka replenshymant instead.

Thanks in advance for any tips.

edit - I play on 360 so no mods and I don't use any glitches or anything to artifically boost my enchantments. Not that its wrong or bad to do it if you want, its just not something I do.

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Jonathan Egan
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